Islamic university Faculty of medicine
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الجامعة الإسلامية كلية الطب البشري Dr. Sami Zaqout
Introduction Descriptive Anatomic Terms
Anatomical Position assumed to be standing, the feet together, the arms to the side, and the head and eyes and palms of the hands facing forwards. Note: in a normal relaxed position of the body, the thumb points anteriorly. In anatomical parlance, the thumb is a lateral structure, not an anterior one.
FRONTAL or ( CORONAL ) separates the body into Anterior and Posterior parts MEDIAN or ( MIDSAGITTAL ) separates body into Right and Left parts HORIZONTAL separates the body into Superior and Inferior parts SAGITTAL or ( PARAMEDIAN )any plane parallel to the median plane Terms of relation or position
reference point -- horizontal plane Inferior ( closer to the feet) Superior :( closer to the head( Terms of relation or position
reference point -- frontal or coronal plane Anterior (ventral( closer to the anterior surface of the body Posterior (dorsal( closer to the posterior surface of the body( Terms of relation or position
reference point -- sagittal plane Lateral )lying further away from the midline) Medial (lying closer to the midline( Terms of relation or position
reference point -- the origin of a structure Distal (further away from the origin of a structure( Proximal ) closer to the origin of a structure( Terms of relation or position
reference point -- surface of body or organ DeepSuperficial Terms of relation or position
reference point -- along the midsagittal or median plane Median between two other structures Intermediate
refers to a hollow structure\ external being outside and internal being inside InternalExternal Terms of relation or position
face or palm up when lying on back, face or palm down when lying on anterior surface of body ProneSupine Terms of relation or position Supine Prone
Same side of body; opposite side of body ContralateralIpsilateral toward the head, toward the tail (feet( CaudadCephalad Terms of relation or position
increasing angle with frontal plane ; decreasing angle with frontal plane Movement takes place in sagittal plane extensionflexion Terms of movement Movement of the trunk in the lateral position Lateral flexion
moving away from or toward the sagittal plane adductionabduction Terms of movement
movement around an axis of a bone lateral rotationmedial rotation Terms of movement
placing palm backward or forward (in anatomical position( supinationpronation Terms of movement
combined movements of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction medial and lateral rotation, circumscribe a cone circumduction Terms of movement
bringing tips of fingers and thumb together as in picking something up opposition Terms of movement
moving forward or backward along a surface retractionprotraction retraction Terms of movement
Movement of foot so that the sole faces in a medial direction or a lateral direction EversionInversion Terms of movement
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