Hip and Pelvis Anatomy Sports Medicine I
Anatomy Arrangement of bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons make the hip the strongest joint in the body.
Anatomy Bones Pelvic Girdle Femur Pelvis Sacrum Coccyx The bony ring that is composed of the two innominate bones, the sacrum and the coccyx
Anatomy Ilium Ischium Pubis
Anatomical Planes Sagittal Plane: bisecting body into right and left halves Frontal Plane: bisecting body into front and back halves Transverse Plane: bisecting body into upper and lower halves
Male and Female Pelvis The following diagrams compares the male and female pelvis, notice the differences in the pelvises shown below, especially the much wider pubic arch and birth canal (aka pelvic outlet/inlet) in the female. Also, the ischia spines are less pronounced and significantly further apart in a female - in order to allow the the head of a baby to pass through.
Male and Female Pelvis