INTRODUCTION BIOL 2304/2101 Human Anatomy
Chapter objectives 1. Define anatomy and compare the different disciplines of anatomy 2. Recognize hierarchy of organization and relationship between levels: atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organism 3. Summarize the organ systems and their major functions 4. Discuss anatomical position 5. Identify planes of section of the body 6. Understand and correctly use directional terms 7. Locate and identify abdominal regions 8. Identify body cavities, their subdivisions and membranes, as well as major organs found in each
Anatomy –anatomy: the study of the structural components of the body –cytology: the study of the cellular components of tissues –histology and ultrastructure: the study of microscopic anatomy and the structural components (tissues/cells) of the organs that make up the body. TEM and SEM provide ultrastructure. - embryology : the study of development after fertilization
Levels of Structural Organization
Organ Systems Integumentary System (Skin)
Skeletal System Bones and Cartilage: Joints and Ligaments
Muscular System Skeletal muscle and tendons Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle
Nervous System CNSPNSANS
Circulatory System BloodHeart Blood vessels -arteries -veins -capillaries
Lymphatic and Immune System Lymph organs -lymph nodes/vessels -spleen, thymus -Peyers patches -tonsils Lymph (fluid)
Respiratory System nasal cavity pharynxlarynxtracheabronchibronchioleslungs
Digestive System mouth, salivary glands, teeth, tongue esophagusstomach accessory organs enteric NS small Intestines large intestines rectumanus
Urinary System kidneysuretersbladderurethra
Male Reproductive System testesepididymis spermatic cord accessory glands –prostate –seminal vesicles –bulbourethral mons pubis penis
Female Reproductive System ovaries fallopian tubes uterusvaginaclitoris mons pubis mammary glands
Endocrine System hypothalamuspituitarythyroidparathyroid adrenal glands pancreastestes/ovariespinealthymus
Anatomical Position Body facing forward, arms at side with palms facing forward. facing forward.
Body Planes Mid-Sagittal Frontal/ Coronal TransverseOblique
Anatomical Terminology 1
Anatomical Terminology 2 Anatomical Terminology 2
Anatomical Terminology 3 Body Cavities
Anatomical Terminology 4a Body Membranes: Serous-Pleuravisceralparietal
Anatomical Terminology 4b Body Membranes: Serous-Pericardiumvisceralparietal
Anatomical Terminology 5
Anatomical Terminology 6 Abdominal regions
Anatomical terminology 7 Abdominal cavity Abdominopelviccavity
Anatomical Terminology 8 Thoracic cavity-mid sagittal plane
Anatomical Terminology 9