Animal Organization and Homeostasis 15.1 Types of tissues
What is tissue? Two or more cells of the same type performing a common function Four types of tissue Epithelial Connective Muscular Nervous
What is epithelial tissue? Characteristics Cell rich Avascular Basal vs. apical side (polarity) Basement membrane Cell shapes Squamous Columnar cuboidal
What types of epithelium are there? Types Simple Stratified Glandular Exocrine Endocrine
What is connective tissue? Characteristics Cell poor Matrix rich Collagen Elastin Reticular fibers Vascular (with exceptions) Cyte vs. blast
What are the types of connective tissue? Adipose Loose CT Fibro- Dense CT Fibro- Cartilage Lacunae Chondro- Bone Osteo- Blood Erythrocytes Leukocytes Platelets
What is muscular tissue? Responds to stimulus Contracts Myo- Three types Skeletal (voluntary) Cardiac (involuntary) Smooth (involuntary)
What is nervous tissue? Also responds to stimulus Sends signals Two types of cells Neuroglia Neurons
Animal Organization and Homeostasis 15.2 Body cavities and homeostasis
What are body cavities? Regions of body Two cavities Dorsal Brain Spinal cord Ventral Thoracic Abdominal Pelvic
What are the organ systems of the body? Integumentary Skeletal Muscular Nervous Endocrine Cardiovascular Immune Urinary Digestive Respiratory Reproductive
What is homeostasis? Body’s tendency to maintain internal set points Negative feedback Most common Solution state is opposite of problem state
What is a positive feedback loop? Positive feedback Rare Solution state heightens problem state Child birth Fever Blood clotting
Animal Organization and Homeostasis 15.3 Anatomical position and terms
What are some anatomical terms for position/location? Anatomical position: left is right and right is left! Position descriptions Supine, prone
Ventral, dorsal
Anterior, posterior
Superior, inferior
Medial, lateral medial Lateral
Proximal, distal proximal distal comparison
Superficial, deep
What are the anatomical planes? Sagittal Midsagittal Parasagittal
What are the anatomical planes? Frontal
What are the anatomical planes? Transverse
What are the body cavities? Dorsal body cavity Cranial cavity: cranium and stuff inside Vertebral cavity: vertebral column and stuff inside
What are the body cavities? Ventral body cavity Diaphragm divides thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities Thoracic: mediastinum divides left from right
What kinds of membranes line cavities? Meninges: lines brain and spinal cord
What kinds of membranes line cavities? Serous membrane: no outside opening Inner: visceral layer Outer: parietal layer In between: cavity filled with serous fluid Thoracic: pleurae and pericardium Abdominopelvic: peritoneum
What kinds of membranes line cavities? Mucous membrane: outside opening Examples?