Sports Medicine
Troy Kenneth Aikman, Dallas Cowboys Quarterback
Sports Medicine The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of injuries that occur to athletes and the active population - anatomy- physiology - strength training- psychology - nutrition - therapeutic modalities (ice, heat, e-stim, ultrasound)
Athletic Trainer, ATC Deals with the care and prevention of athletic injuries *What is the difference between an athletic trainer and a personal trainer?
The Sports Medicine Team Athletic Trainer Physical Therapist Chiropractor Masseur Dentist/Oral Surgeon Exercise Physiologist
Medical Terminology
Sign Objective indicators that are observable by others
Symptom Experienced only by the patient Subjective -
Etiology – Diagnosis – Prognosis –
Planes of the Body Sagittal plane – Frontal – Transverse –
Abdominal Quadrants Right Upper QuadrantLeft Upper Quadrant Belly Button Right Lower QuadrantLeft Lower Quadrant
Underlying Anatomy Right lobe of liverSpleen GallbladderStomach Parts of stomachPancreas Small and large intestineParts of large intestine AppendixMost of small intestine Ovary (female)Parts of large intestine Spermatic cord (male)Ovary (female) Small intestineSpermatic cord (male)
Referred Pain Many abdominal injuries will cause pain in a body part away from the injured area What causes it? innervated by the same spinal segment Ex: Spleen injury – may cause pain in the left shoulder and upper arm KEHR’s SIGN Liver pain in the right shoulder
What is “getting the wind knocked out?” Direct blow to the solar plexus – region of nerves in the upper middle abdomen *