WARM-UP – LET’S ANALYZE! Use your iFormBuilder analysis skills and the data from the ICT4E pre-test to answer the following questions: 1)What percentage of workshop participants work for Caritas Germany? 2)How many males are participating in the workshop? 3)What is the average level of confidence in analyzing data collected with an ICT device? 4)On average, how confident are the female workshop participants with using surveys with forms developed in iFormBuilder?
What process would you use to convert paper-based forms into iForm?
DEFINITION FILE A document (Word or Excel-based) that shows the content and requirements for an ICT4D application Initially developed by program or M&E staff Used by ICT staff to build the application Depending on the ICT4D application, definition files can be very simple or very complex
Question ID QuestionResponseSkip Logic NFI1 Did your NFI kit meet your immediate needs? 0. No 1. Yes If yes, skip to question CRS1 NFI2If no, what items were missing? 1= hygiene items 2= cloth 3= needle and thread 4= other If other, show question NFI2a
Question Code Every question or variable must have its own unique code When is this question shown? (“Show if” Logic) Question Type of Question Examples: label (no data), single answer (multiple choice with only one response allowed), multiple answer (multiple choice with more than one response allowed), integer, decimal, date, phone number, GPS, camera, microphone, barcode, text NFI1Always show Did your NFI kit meet your immediate needs? Single Answer (yes, no) NFI2show if NFI1 = no If no, what items were missing? Multiple Answer (hygiene items; cloth; needle and thread; others)
QUESTION TYPES Labels require the user to enter no date. A label simply displays information to the user. Single Answer questions are those that have a list of possible (multiple choice) options, but the application only allows one response to be selected. Multiple Answer questions are those that have a list of possible (multiple choice) options from which the user is allowed to choose multiple responses. Number (integer or decimal) : You can specify in the application definition that only numbers are acceptable responses to certain questions.
QUESTION TYPES Text can be specified for questions that require that the response be recorded in narrative or text form (e.g., beneficiary’s name, etc.) Date and/or Time can be specified as the type of response(s) to be entered for a given question. Phone or ID number can also be specified as the type of response required/allowed for a question. Other question types include GPS if GPS coordinates are required, microphone or audio if the response is being audio recorded, camera or photo if a picture is being taken, barcode if the response requires a barcode scan.
DISASTER HITS!! SETTING THE SCENE: An emergency has occurred and your organization would like to respond with a blanket (shelter/NFI/food) distribution to the host and IDP households staying in a nearby region. The team would like to do a rapid house-to-house registration of the district where the distribution will take place, and the M&E team has provided a sample HH Registration Form.
GROUP WORK (45 MINUTES) In small groups, create an ICT4D definition file based on the Household Registration Form distributed. For each question in the sample survey, the group should define: Question Code Show If Logic Required? Question Question type Options and constraints, if necessary.