Exchange of experiences: presentation of best practices Federica Rossi CNR- Institute of Biometeorology ACCRETe 1 st Thematic Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

Exchange of experiences: presentation of best practices Federica Rossi CNR- Institute of Biometeorology ACCRETe 1 st Thematic Workshop

Development of renewable energy, implementation of actions of energy control and of energy efficiency in agriculture: exchange of experiences ACCRETe 1st Thematic Workshop

Common need to reach an equilibrium between the use of production resources and the preservation of the resources themselves. Rising population, diminishing arable land, declining non-renewable energy supplies, increasing awareness of potential environmental degradation, climate change and variability.

Sustainable management in the agricultural sector of the world’s economies is strongly seeked for. The concept encompasses ecological, economic and social problems in which weather and climate are of great importance. Need for improved understanding of the mutual interactions between climate and yield, with regard to topics such as land use, natural hazards, extreme events and assessment of their socio-economic impacts, and to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Reduce GHG emissions at source: behavioural change- improved efficiency and processes Innovate to replace fossil fuels with low GHG energy (wind, solar, biomass) Replace Atmospheric C to store in soils and perennial crops Remove Agriculture has many unique opportunities to manage greenhouse gases MITIGATION TO PREVENT GHG INCREASE Respond By adapting to changes TO COPE WITH INCREASES IN GHG ADAPTATION

Plants capture, transfer, loose energy and matter producing dry- biomass The agricultural system input output

Sw (diff) Sw (dir) Sw (diff)  (Tcan) 4  (Tsky) 4  (Tcan) 4  (T ground) 4 Sw alb

input output Agricultural system may also produce biomass energy as a output Renewable organic materials: land and water- based vegetation and wastes (forestry and agricultural crops and residues; animal wastes; certain industrial wastes, agricultural crops, wood, and food processing wastes…).

Optimization of external energy inputs GOOD PRACTICES input output Production of dedicated energy outputs (biomass)- use of residual products to be converted into bioenergy Short rotation crops Wood, pellets, chips, fruit, olive pits… Manure poultry, pigs, cattle apply available knowledge to addressing environmental, economic, social sustainability for on-farm production processes GOOD PRACTICES

Optimization of external energy inputs input output Geothermal water dry tomato Greece experience – Municipality of Chrissopoulis Geothermal water Protect lagoons fish production

Optimization of external energy inputs input output Wind-powered irrigation Romania experience – National Institute of Areospace Res. Convert wind energy to mechanical for pumping underground water

input Production of dedicated energy outputs (biomass)- use of residual products to be converted into bioenergy District heating with pellets of not treated wood – with chips Project Warm-Cold using biomass (Excellence Center Bioenergies : mangement and planning of activities on bioenergy) Basilicata Region experience

input Production of dedicated energy outputs (biomass)- use of residual products to be converted into bioenergy Implementatio of fast growing rows and hedges of autochtonous plants in-farm production for wood biomass furnaces for greenhouse or farm rooms heating Province of Parma experience Anaerobic digesters for biogas production with livestock breeding

input Production of dedicated energy outputs (biomass)- use of residual products to be converted into bioenergy Pilot project on production of heat and electricity from biomass via bioethanol produced by energy crops (sorghum), by-products (corn shank), urban sewage etc. Municipality of Aegion experience Investigation about varieties, growing possibilities of rapes for the production of domestic biodiesel Agricultural Institute of Slovenia experience

input Production of dedicated energy outputs (biomass)- use of residual products to be converted into bioenergy Planning a biomass district heating plant at IASMA using wood residues available in the territory and from IASMA farming activities Institute of S.Michele all’Adige experience

input Use of local heating supply on the basis of biogas and use of photovoltaic energy in a contest of integrated development of the rural Municipality of Ivenack. Rostok experience Production of dedicated energy outputs (biomass)- use of residual products to be converted into bioenergy