The Nano Scale
Starters Use the meter sticks to take your height and compare it to your estimation. List 5 objects that have a similar height (only one may be another classmate). How tall do you think you are in inches and meters? Record your estimated height.
What is the average height in meters of a middle schooler? Take your colored dot and place on the histogram at your height. So, what is the average? Insert histogram.
Can you name an object that is 2 times bigger than our class average?
1 meter (m) 3 feet (ft)
1 meter (m) Avg. Student 1.5m 100
10 m 2 story building 101 10m
100 m 102 33m 33m 33m
449m 449m 1,000m 103
Mt. Everest 10,000 m 104 8,850m
104 103 102 101 100 -Mt. Everest (10000m) -2 Empire State (1000m) -3 football fields (100m) 101 -2 story house (10m) -Average student (1.5m) 100 -a yard stick
0.1m Diameter of egg yolk (1dm) 10-1 .8m
0.01m Dime and paper clip (1cm) 10-2
0.001m ant (1mm) 10-3 .005m
0.0001m Human Hair (100μm) 10-4 100 μm
0.00001m Dust mite (10μm) 10-5 .00002m
Red blood cells 0.000001m (1μm) 10-6 7-8 μm
0.0000001m (100nm) 10-7
virus 0.00000001m (10nm) 10-8 40nm diameter
DNA strand 0.000000001m (1nm) 10-9 2.5 nm diameter
0.0000000001m (1Å) 10-10
10-1 1dm (decimeter) 10-2 1cm (centimeter) 10-3 1mm (millimeter) 10-4 100μm (micron) 10μm (micron) 10-5
10-6 1μm (micron) 10-7 100 nm 10-8 10 nm 1nm (nanometer) 10-9 10-10 Nano world 10-8 10 nm 1nm (nanometer) 10-9 10-10 1Å (angstrom)
Multiple of Sub multiple Prefix Value Power of Ten one million mega 1,000,000 106 one thousand kilo 1,000 103 one hundred hecto 100 102 ten deca 10 base unit 1 one tenth deci 0.1 10-1 one hundredth centi 0.01 10-2 one thousandth milli 0.001 10-3 one millionth micro 0.000001 10-6 one billionth nano 0.000000001 10-9 OWARI DA!
Exponential Notation The way we write this is 101. If 10 meters is 101, then one meter is 10__........?