Conflict In The Church Category 2 conflicts are those disagreements that are secondary issues and non-biblical in nature. Category 2 conflicts are those disagreements that are secondary issues and non-biblical in nature. Category 1 conflicts involve serious very matters where the Bible has clearly spoken. Category 1 conflicts involve serious very matters where the Bible has clearly spoken.
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy I. Peter’s Poor Example (2:11-13)
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy I. Peter’s Poor Example (2:11-13) Eating with Gentiles was a violation of Jewish law. This issue badly affects the doctrine of justification by faith (v 15) This issue badly affects freedom from observing the law (v ) This issue badly affects Christian fellowship and unity of the Church.
“hypocrisy” - acting with insincerity or cowardice compared to what you say you believe. The Greek word “hypocrisy” originally referred to the masks of actors
Peter was off the chart
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy I. Peter’s Poor Example (2:11-13) II. Paul’s Proper Explanation (2:14-21)
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy I. Peter’s Poor Example (2:11-13) II. Paul’s Proper Explanation (2:14-21) Adding requirements and rules to the Gospel in order for a believer to be accepted by God and by the church is legalism.
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy I. Peter’s Poor Example (2:11-13) II. Paul’s Proper Explanation (2:14-21) “justified,” - “just-as-if-I’d” never sinned.
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy I. Peter’s Poor Example (2:11-13) II. Paul’s Proper Explanation (2:14-21) Our mystical union with Christ. The believer is so joined with Christ that when Christ died we died with him. When he rose from the dead to new life, we rose with him. He now lives in us and by his power he transforms us.
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy Important ideas to remember and obey. 1. It is more important to please God than to please people. 2. Concerning smaller issues of faith we act with humility and grant one another liberty. 3. When essential doctrines of faith are violated we must put truth above personal relationships and stand for the truth.
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy Important ideas to remember and obey. 4. The Gospel is always under attack and we must be alert to any teaching that would try to change or distort the Gospel of Grace. 5. It is not enough to only believe right doctrine but we must also live right doctrine or we will be guilty of hypocrisy.
Freedom From Human Religious Hypocrisy Important ideas to remember and obey. 6. We must never add requirements and rules to the Gospel in order for a believer to be accepted by God and by the church because that is legalism. 7. Believers have died to the law and are no longer bound by it, but we do not live in sinful lawlessness, we live a godly life by allowing Jesus to live in us and through us.
St. Augustine of Hippo