Provider Feedback Reports Jeffery Thompson, MD MPH
Evidence Meets Report Cards: Improving Generic Performance in State funded Drug Benefits SB 5892 (2009) -- Engaging the community to improve generic drug use State Medicaid has 80% of the Rx spend in brands and 20% in generics But state’s 63% generic utilization rate (rate of all generic options) is behind private plans (> 80%) 1,500 providers have generic fill rates under 80% State statute allows for feed back reports with sticks and carrots to improve generic use
Provider Feedback: The Data 824 prescribers are targeted using the criteria of DAW>25% or generic use under 80% or a statistical difference from their peers. The cohort represent ~$6.6 million in spend with ~36,000 clients. Only 6 prescribers had 100% brand use and no provider had 100% DAW use. 65% of the cost and 70% of the clients were in the 50-80% generic use. 59% of the prescribers in this cohort were primary care by cost and 63% by client counts. Of the six classes the more problematic classes for generic and DAW use were ADHD and antidepressants. The top 50 prescribers accounted for 22% of the total cost in the 824 prescriber cohort.
Dear Prescriber: See the letter
Comments to Date Top Comments from Feedback Reports Clients come in for brands Mine are sicker Wrong peer group Can you send me my profiles I always write for generics I am writing an Rx for a colleague