Child Nutrition Policies and Procedures
Wellness Policy Points of Interest Section 900 Wellness I. Nutrition Services E- CN will have water available during meal service times and school personnel should encourage students to drink water. G- School Administrators and staff will promote a healthy school environment. Principals will get suggested list from Debbie Kirk man on foods suitable for healthy foods for special events.(i.e. classroom parties). Food should not be used as a consequence for inappropriate behavior unless otherwise specified in IEP’s. Policy CN Program Competitive Foods. The Craven County Board of Education has agreed to participate in the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch Program along with an a’la carte supplemental sales program. These meals will be available to every students through direct payment by the children, other sources provided for those unable to pay. A basic menu will be observed in all schools. All schools will operate an Offer vs Serve breakfast,lunch and a’la carte program. No other competitive foods will be consumed, sold or provided until after the last child has been served lunch.
Bag lunches must be ordered 2 weeks in advance a rough estimate should be given to the café manager. Students with a dietary need should be noted on roster/ list with student’s name. 2 days prior confirm total lunches needed and give student name and lunch number to manager If a child forgets their lunch the day of the field trip we will be glad to make extra lunches. They just may not be the same as the ones that were pre ordered due to supply. Teachers will need a cooler to put ice in to transport milk and lunches. Day of field trip: It is best if the students come to the cafeteria and put in their lunch numbers as they take the lunch and milk then drop into the cooler. Bag Lunches that managers may provide for Elementary and Middle Students ***Subject to change due to inventory available Ham SandwichPeanut Butter & Jelly Fresh Fruit Vegetable Sticks w dip Milk Small Snack Condiments Napkin Dietary needs Students Name______________Lunch #_______ Bag lunches
High School Bag Lunch Procedures Ham SandwichPeanut Butter & Jelly Fresh Fruit 1 cup Vegetable Sticks w dip 1 cup Milk Small Snack Condiments Napkin Bag Lunches must be ordered 2 weeks in advance. A rough estimate should be given to the café’ manager Students with a dietary need should be noted on roster / list with students name. 2 days prior confirm total lunches needed and give student name and lunch number to manager If a child forgets their lunch the day of the field trip we will be glad to make extra lunches. They may not be the same as the ones that were pre ordered due to supply. Teachers will need a cooler to put ice in to transport milk and lunches. Day of field trip: It is best if the students come to the cafeteria and put in their lunch numbers as they take the lunch and milk and drop into the cooler. Bag Lunches that managers may provide for the High Schools ******Subject to change due to inventory availability Dietary Needs Student name________________________Lunch #________
Diet Orders Students with any special dietary needs will need to have a completed diet order form on file with Child Nutrition and the school nurse. Diet orders must be turned in annually for review and update. No substitutions to menu will be approved until a diet order is in place.
New Meal Pattern Offer vs. Serve Meat / Meat Alternate Fruit Vegetable Breads/ Grains Milk Students must choose 3 of the 5 components. 1 must be a fruit or veggie. Child Nutrition Reauthorization Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 Students must now take a fruit or vegetable as one of the 3 components required for a reimbursable meal. Offer more fresh fruits and vegetables at breakfast and lunch. Offer more whole grain enriched foods. Only 1% or non fat milk including flavored milk.
New this year What students can take. Elementary and Middle School Students can choose: 1Entrée / Meat/ Meat Alternate up to 2 Vegetables 1 Fruit 1 Bread 1 Milk *Note : Students may choose a Combination of: 1 fruit & 1 vegetable or 2 vegetables & 1 fruit, or 1 fruit only or 1 vegetable only High School Students can choose : 1 Entrée-Meat / Meat Alternate 2 Vegetables- Students may now take 2 servings of the same vegetable. 2 Fruits- Students may now take 2 servings of the same fruit. For a total of 4 vegetable / fruit components. 1 Bread 1 Milk
Ideas for School Parties and Celebrations Cereal Bars Low fat or Skim Milk 100% Fruit Juice Whole Wheat Crackers Low Fat Tortilla Chips Salsa & Bean Dip Rice Cakes Applesauce Mini Muffins Bread Sticks Graham Crackers Dried Fruit Fresh Fruit & Veggies w dip Yogurt Bagels w Low fat Cream Cheese Baby carrots w dip Trail Mix* Nuts and Seeds* Fig Cookies Animal Crackers Baked Chips Low Fat Popcorn Granola Bars* Soft Pretzels w Mustard Pudding String Cheese * May be an allergen and or choking risk
Healthy Snack List Cheese & Crackers Peanut Butter & Crackers Salsa & Baked Chips Goldfish Popcorn Pretzels Nuts Fruit Gummies Trail Mix Yogurt Fresh Fruit All Varieties Fresh, Canned, Dried Oranges, Bananas, Grapes, Apples, Kiwi Fruit Cups, Juice Bars, Juice Fresh Vegetables All Varieties Fresh Veggies & Dip Carrots, Cucumbers, Bell Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower Milk Water 100% Fruit Juice Pudding Cups Jello Cups