OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 1THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, 18-20 October.


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Presentation transcript:

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 1THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 Concerns about urban problems and opinions about the effectiveness of transport policies Dr Dominic Stead OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies Delft University of Technology The Netherlands

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 2THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 Concerns about urban problems in Europe (1999)

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 3THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 … concerns are increasing ( )

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 4THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 Public opinion: ‘carrots’ more effective than ‘sticks’ investments regulations charges Perceived effectiveness of policies to solve traffic problems (EU15), 1999 lower perceived effectiveness higher actual effectiveness? lower implementation/operating costs more public resistance Perceived effectiveness of policies to solve traffic problems (EU12), 1991

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 5THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 Concerns about urban problems have little bearing on opinions about policy effectiveness Perceived effectiveness of policies to solve traffic problems (EU15), 1999 Concerns about urban problems

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 6THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 General remarks greatest concerns about urban problems where transport growth is highest perceptions about policy effectiveness is quite similar across all countries public opinion surveys: investments are more effective in solving traffic problems than regulations or economic instruments empirical data: investments are often less effective in solving traffic problems and reducing congestion investments cost more than regulations or economic instruments (and low levels of public support for investment via taxation) public support for measures can change before and after implementation (e.g. congestion charging, London)

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 7THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 Fuel saving and public acceptability of measures Source: EU REFLEX project (SAVE II programme)

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 8THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 Policy packaging possible synergies between policies  investments funded through economic instruments  regulations in support of investments measures can be made more publicly acceptable if they are part of a package of ‘push’ and ‘pull’ measures

OTB Research Institute for Housing, Mobility and Urban Studies 9THE-PEP Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport and Land Use Planning, Tbilisi, October 2006 end