The CPAVTS Model of Teacher Supervision and Accountability CUMBERLAND PERRY AVTS
Essential Question: How does the CPAVTS administrative team collect and evaluate data to improve teacher planning and instruction?
Activating Strategy In one minute, each table will be asked to share one ROADBLOCK in teacher supervision and accountability. (No repeats, so be ready with a couple)
What is the “expectation”? Learning Focused schools… …consistent and pervasive.
Carrots and Sticks…
Implementation and Supports Previous Efforts New for
Schedules… Lesson Plans
Schedules… Walkthroughs
And MORE Schedules! Teacher ObservationsTeacher Walkthroughs
Guides… Consistent and Pervasive!
Using Data
Professional Development Planning Using Data for…
Professional Learning Groups Using Data for…
Adding Clarity and Depth to Expectations Using Data for…
Checklists and Rubrics using eWalk
Paperless and Quick Communication
Detailed Reports of Data