1 Drivers of Compliance and Non-Compliance with Competition Law Jackie Holland Director of Competition Policy
2 Discussion with ICLA ● Overview of OFT project ● Questions to discuss: What are the key drivers of competition law compliance within your businesses? If a slip up occurs, what tend to be the reasons for this? What are the essential elements to creating a competition law compliance culture within a business? What is current best practice in competition law compliance? Is it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a compliance culture? If so, how?
3 Key Drivers of Compliance ● Sticks - risks of: Fines Director disqualification Criminal cartel offence Reputational damage Private actions ● Carrots: what are these?
4 What are the key reasons for non- compliance?
5 What are the key elements for an effective competition law compliance culture?
6 What is current best practice in competition law compliance?
7 Effectiveness of a competition law compliance culture ● Is it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a competition law compliance culture? ● If so, how?