Welcome to the Yes We Can! Annual Summit 2012 Dothan City Schools Preschool/ Head Start Program
Welcome to Our Booth Feel free to let your children explore and learn at our booth! Please pick up some informative hand-outs at our table! We are here for you! Ask us about our program!
What is Head Start? We are a federally funded preschool program and are fortunate enough to also be linked directly to the DCS system as well. Head Start programs are operated by local non-profit organizations in almost every county in the country. Children who attend Head Start participate in a variety of educational activities.
What is Head Start? Students also receive free medical and dental care, have healthy meals and snacks, and enjoy playing indoors and outdoors in a safe setting. Head Start helps all children succeed. Services are also offered to meet the special needs of children with disabilities. The main focus is to increase the school readiness of young children ages 3-5.
What is Head Start? The DCS Head Start program was started to give children from low-income families a head start before they enter elementary school. The program also seeks to help parents and caregivers be empowered to self sufficiency. A major function of the DCS Head Start program is family involvement.
What will your child learn? We follow federal and state guidelines with our instruction. We use the Head Start Outcomes Framework in order to include all Kindergarten readiness skills in our lesson planning. Some of which include: Physical Development and Health, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Literacy, Language Development, Logic and Reasoning, Creative Arts Expression, Approaches to Learning, Social and Emotional Development, etc.
About Our School Families and Staff Working Together Recognizing that the parent is the child's first teacher, the Dothan City Schools Head Start Program's goal is to involve the parent in planning, developing, and implementing the curriculum to assure reinforcement at home for the goals and objectives. We believe: that children, staff, and families must work cooperatively to meet the needs of each child while respecting family values and heritage. each family should be encouraged to strive for self- sufficiency. a partnership between families, communities, and Head Start will create a network that will ensure the success of each child.
Why are we different? Our site offers a full time nurse on campus. We employ trained special needs professionals such as Speech Therapists and Special Education Teachers. We employ bilingual professionals as well. Our site is equipped with special needs equipment and instructional materials. We offer a Mental Health Consultant as well as Family Service Workers. We provide services to 360 students.
Eligibility Requirements Child must be 3 or 4 years old Family must live within the county Family must meet federal income guidelines The application process may be started at our main site.
How will my child learn? Students learn in a variety of methods. We believe in offering diversity in teaching in order to reach each child’s full potential. Your child will learn hands-on with some of the best Early Childhood materials available on the market. Head Start believes in making learning fun. Your child will learn while playing. We offer learning environments that foster playful learning experiences.
A Day in the Life of a Preschooler Now let’s take a look at some of the activities your child may be involved in on a daily basis.
Arrival Safety is of great importance at Head Start as well as Family Involvement! Each morning your child will be dropped off and signed in by family as you are greeted by our friendly staff.
Breakfast Your child will receive a free nutritional breakfast daily upon arrival.
Health and Hygiene Your child will be informed of the importance of personal hygiene as we wash hands frequently, keep a clean classroom, teach health and nutrition, brush teeth daily, and follow a bathroom routine.
Morning Activities Arrival activities invite children to school daily. Fine Motor Skills and Large Motor Skills may be taught during this time. Children feel comfortable and safe entering a fun learning environment each morning.
Language Arts Literacy skills and language Development Skills are taught daily. Such skills include letter recognition, letter sounds, early writing, speaking and understanding, etc. Thirty minutes of each day is dedicated to this area of study. Miss Philyaw’s class creates “h is for horse” with an Art infusion activity during Language Arts.
Choice Time Centers Students rotate throughout the room in learning centers that allow children to play and learn in different areas of interest. Students are allowed to move freely and choose their own interest areas each day. Some interest areas include: Science, Math, Table Toys, Puzzles, Books, Art, Dramatic play, Music, Listening, Computer, Writing, Blocks, Lego Table, Games, Sand Table, Water Table, etc.
Small Group Learning 30 minutes of each day is dedicated to teaching individualized skills to small groups. Pull- Out time during centers allows students to get one- on-one instruction from teachers.
Large Group Learning Classrooms consists of 18 students each, which is a 1:9 ratio of teacher to students. During Large Group learning time, students receive whole group instruction of various skills usually consisting of Math and Science area subjects.
Physical Education Head Start believes as strongly in the Physical development of each child as the cognitive development as they go hand in hand in a child’s learning! Each day students receive 30 minutes of planned physical activities as well as another 30 minutes of unplanned physical activity such as dance and movement. We incorporate a program called “I’m Moving, I’m Learning” that teaches healthy exercise and nutritional habits. We “learn and move” indoors and outdoors throughout the day!
Story Time Students interact with “read alouds” daily! We understand, as educators, that the more books a child hears/reads the more they will learn! Story Time allows children to learn basic book knowledge, retelling skills, and much more!
Rest Time Head Start students are give a thirty minute rest time to quietly rejuvenate their little bodies from such a long day of moving and learning. Rest mats are provided for each student.
Music and Movement We currently integrate a program called “I’m Moving, I’m Learning” in our daily lessons. This program along with musical instruments, CD’s, cassettes, videos, records, online sources, songs, finger- plays, and dances help us keep students moving and learning! Our Faine site offers a weekly music class with a professional music teacher.
Computer Lab/Technology Our main site houses a large computer lab with more than 20 computers for weekly class use. Each classroom is also equipped with at least one computer for daily use as well during center times. Our Faine site houses a large environment of technology with a Promethean Interactive Whiteboard System and tools, a laptop, mounted projector, an iPad lab, and a full computer center equipped with software.
Rebekah Vaughn Troutman Memorial Library We are VERY fortunate to house a LARGE Early Childhood library at our West Powell Street location! Students visit weekly and explore through books, videos, authors, characters, activities, story retelling kits, and much more! Parents are also welcome to utilize our library as well!
Special Events We stay very active at Head Start! At our various sites around the year events may include: Fall Festivals, December and February Celebrations, Read Across America Activities, National Peanut Festival Queens Event, Jean Dean R.I.F., Fathers are Special Month, Grandparents’ Day Activities, Field Trips to the Library and Landmark Park, Mobile Dairy Farm, Family/Friends Luncheon, Parent Meetings and Workshops, Health Fair, Community Helpers Visit, Field Day, etc.
Volunteers We work closely with families, friends, and the community! Local businesses, churches, and sponsors volunteer regularly with our program! We are so very thankful to have such great Dothan Community Action Volunteer Services!!! Some of Our Corporate Partners are: *Dothan City and Houston County Schools *Alfred Saliba Family Services Center *Department of Children's Affairs: Office of School Readiness (State PreK) *Our Adopt- A- School partner: First United Methodist Church
Please stop by one of our centers! Dothan City Sites: Head Start Main Office- – West Powell Street Dothan, AL (334) Also offers a State Pre-K program as well Jerry Lee Faine Elem. Location – Stringer St. Dothan, AL (334) Houston County Sites: Cottonwood Location – 663 Houston St. Cottonwood, AL Rehobeth Location – 5631 County Rd. 203 Dothan., AL (334) Ashford Location – 100 Barfield St. Ashford, AL (334) Webb Location – 178 Depot St. Webb, AL (334)