Dust emission from powerful high-z starbursts and QSOs The combined power of submillimeter and mid-IR studies for tracing the most powerful starbursts of massive galaxies at high redshift, and their AGN. Alain Omont (IAP) Substantial and most spectacular star formation at z > 1 The hidden part of the evolution of most massive galaxies and black-holes Multi- interplay between submm at APEX with Spitzer, Herschel and IR-optical
OUTLINE Background: High z submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) Millimeter dust detection in high z SMGs and QSOs Prospects with APEX: high speed wide fields; multi- Laboca-1 (+SZ-camera): Spitzer (+ IRAM) era Next generation cameras: SCUBA2, Herschel era ALMA era Dust emission from powerful high-z QSOs and starbursts
OUTLINE Background: High z submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) Millimeter dust detection in high z SMGs and QSOs MAMBO & SCUBA maps Prospects with APEX: high speed wide fields; multi- Laboca-1 (+SZ-camera): Spitzer (+ IRAM) era Next generation cameras: SCUBA2, Herschel era ALMA era Dust emission from powerful high-z QSOs and starbursts
z D phot (Gpc) z= z= ~ 300 million ~ 3.5 billion z ~ 7 – 20 ? - Reionization PopIII stars +1st galaxies -Formation of 1st galaxies Pop. II stars - First AGN z ~ 4 – 7 : Current frontier - Galaxy and Black-Hole early assembly - End of reionization z ~ : - Peak of star formation submm sources + LBGs -Peak of QSO activity -Luminous mid-IR sour. -Proto-cluster formation z ~ : Final phase of active SF - Mid-IR sources - Weak X-ray AGN - Cluster formation Main z ranges in the Cosmic History of galaxies
SMGs: strongest starbursts in the Universe Giant starbursts at the peak of elliptical formation z ~ 2-3 1-4 At least Ultra-Luminous Infra-Red Galaxies (ULIRGs): L FIR >~ Lo, SFR > 100 Mo/yr Relatively rare, but up to ~1 per arcmin 2 Generally not isolated; strongly biased along high-z Large Scale Structures Probably progenitors of massive elliptical galaxies A few of these objects are powerful QSOs or radiogalaxies M BH >~ 10 8 Mo
from Bertoldi, Voss, Walter L fir = 4x10 12 S 250 (mJy) L sun FIR emission of cold dust (T d ~ K) : - steep submm spectrum - compensates for distance - S practically independent of z from z ~ 0.5 to 10 Effect also known as « negative K correction » Redshift degeneracy Dust detection: The Magic of the high-z submm window
SCUBA (+MAMBO) submm counts SCUBA(-radio) redshift distribution Chapman, Blain, Ivison, Smail 2003 SCUBA(-MAMBO) census of high-z ULIRGs Take advantage of steep submm spectrum Account for most of submm background z at Keck for radio ones (~50%) (weak AGN ?) History of star formation up to z~3-4 Small but uncertain number at z > 4 Dust detection: the magic of the submm window
1. MAMBO detection of high-z QSOs + A. Beelen, F. Bertoldi, C. Carilli, P. Cox et al. 2. MAMBO detection of high-z Spitzer SMGs + C. Lonsdale, SWIRE team + European-IRAM team 3. Examples of MAMBO maps F. Bertoldi, Voss, C. De Breuck MAMBO 1.2mm detection of far-IR/submm dust emission in high z SMGs and QSOs
MAMBO/IRAM detection of redshifted far-IR/submm dust (+ CO) emission from high-z QSOs Aims To establish correlations between major starbursts and black-holes at high z (in the context of the black-hole/spheroid relation (M BH - , M BH /M sph ) It is the easiest way to find (biased) cases of ULIRGs at very high z, since the redshifts of SCUBA/MAMBOsources are practically unknown at z > 4 It is thus better to search similar sources around known objects: (bright) QSOs with z~2-6 Observations IRAM 30m Telescope (Granada, Spain) + MAMBO bolometer cameras built at MPIfR Bonn (E. Kreysa)
MAMBO/IRAM detection of redshifted far-IR/submm dust (and CO) emission from high-z QSOs Summary of results (probably very similar to bright Scuba SMGs) High rate of detection : ~55 sources detected ~ 25% No significant dependence of the far-IR luminosity on z The mm/submm emission is dominated by cold dust at K L FIR ~ Lo HLIRGs SFR ~ 1000 Mo/yr ? Heating of cold dust by starburst or AGN, or both ? Both are viable; probably a combination of both in various proportions, but some starburst is probably always present in the sources detected at 1.2 mm (CO detections in some sources) The far-IR luminosity is weakly correlated with rest UV L bol
Identification and follow-up of SMGs in SWIRE/Spitzer Spitzer/SWIRE should have detected~several 10 3 s SMGs (in 50 deg 2 ) MAMBO project (30h observed, 30h programmed Winter 2006) Broad European + SWIRE collaboration, Lonsdale, Omont et al. Selection from Spitzer SEDs of ULIRGs (e.g. Arp220) z First results (27 sources observed): 3 sources ~ 5 mJy 13 sources ~ 2-3 mJy (2- 3 ) : L FIR ~ Lo SFR ~ 1000 Mo/yr 9 sources « » (~1-1.5 mJy) Proposal spectroscopy IRS Spitzer
Identification and follow-up of SMGs in SWIRE/Spitzer Spitzer/SWIRE should have detected~several 10 3 s SMGs (in 50 deg 2 ) MAMBO project (30h observed, 30h programmed Winter 2006) Broad European + SWIRE collaboration, Lonsdale, Omont et al. Selection from Spitzer SEDs of ULIRGs (e.g. Arp220) z First results (27 sources observed): 3 sources ~ 5 mJy 13 sources ~ 2-3 mJy (2- 3 ) : L FIR ~ Lo SFR ~ 1000 Mo/yr 9 sources « » (~1-1.5 mJy) Proposal spectroscopy IRS Spitzer
Example of MAMBO map Voss et al. 2005
LABOCA detectors, 870 m, 12m Faster for mapping than MAMBO (117, 1.2mm, 30m) Much faster than SCUBA-1 Wide fields: Matching surveys at other wavelengths : Spitzer (GOODS, GTO, SWIRE, etc.), HST, CFHTLS, UKIDSS, VST, VIRCAM/CFHT, X, radio Peaks of density : - SZ clusters, - Proto-clusters, filaments, around tracers such as radio galaxies, QSOs, etc. Exceptional objects: z > 5, HLIRGs, lenses, (pre-)clustering
Next generation cameras 350 mm : importance of multi- data TES detectors : mandatory to sustain SCUBA-2 competition for wide deep surveys matching Herschel (+ Spitzer, Astro-F, Spica? …) + SZ Camera : data at 2 mm
Summary/Conclusion The mm/submm range is essential to study the major starbursts of the assembly of the most massive galaxies and their relation with the growth of their super-massive black-hole Such most extreme objects have no equivalent locally, but they are major actors in the evolution of the Universe at z ~2-3 A very large sample of high-z SMGs/AGN already exists in Spitzer data Surveys with APEX (and later with SCUBA2, Herschel etc.) are needed to identify large number of them, their spatial clustering and highest z and most exceptional ones Multi- capability is essential Extensive studies with ALMA
Conclusion The mm/submm range is essential to study the major starbursts of the assembly of the most massive galaxies and their relation with the growth of their super-massive black-hole Such most extreme objects have no equivalent locally, but they are major actors in the evolution of the Universe at z ~2-3 One needs larger samples of HLIRGs to explore the bright end of the SMG luminosity function, their properties and evolution New multi- surveys, such as CFHTLS and SWIRE, provide powerful and unique tools to identify high-z starbursts and AGN, possibly dusty, such as Type 2 QSOs and HLIRGs This field will strongly develop in the near future in particular with Herschel, the new generation of submm cameras and especially ALMA IRAM should remain the best millimeter facility for almost a decade before ALMA and the next generation of single dishes such as LMT (but GBT & EVLA)
Power of Spitzer for mid-IR detection of various classes of AGN, especially high z Type 2 QSOs SED ( L ) often relatively flat in the whole infrared J1148 QSO at =6.4
Landmarks and questions of the evolution of most massive galaxies and associated super-massive black-holes Final mass – Mo z ~ Major starbursts in the 1st billion yr at DM density peaks (first LSSs) LBGs & Ly Galaxies SMGs: ULIRGs & HLIRGs ? 1.5 ~< z <~ 3 Peak of starburst SMGs SCUBA/MAMBO counts Mergers & pre-clustering ? CO detection Detection in Spitzer wide surveys + Distant Red Galaxies ? z < Decline of SMGs mostly passive evolution (+stellar mergers) massive elliptical galaxies + supermassive cD cluster galaxies Final black-hole mass 10 8 – 10 9 Mo First SMBHs M BH ~ 10 9 Mo A few most powerful QSOs z=6.4 Fewer Radio Galaxies z >~4 Major phase of SMBH growth Peak of QSO activity Weak AGN activity in most SMGs X-absorbed QSOs and Type 2 QSOs Spitzer IR QSOs ? SMBH mergers ? Very few powerful QSOs Dormant most massive SMBHs but strong feedback in clusters? QSO Feedback
Spheroid/Black-Hole Relation All spheroids contain a super-massive black-hole (M BH ~ Mo) with M BH ~ 4-5 = velocity dispersion in the spheroid (elliptical, bulge …) M BH ~ M sph Consistent with black-hole growth from AGN luminosity Might be explained by feedback from AGN expelling gas in the spheroid and stopping black-hole growth, more easily in smaller dark-matter halos