Pressure Broadening and Spectral Overlap in the Millimeter Wave Spectrum of Ozone International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy 65 th Meeting — June 21–25, /22/20101 Corey Casto and Frank C. De Lucia The Ohio State University TE02
Introduction 6/22/20102 Millimeter region: GHz Atmospherically broadened lines Van Vleck-Weisskopf line profile P = 100 – 760 torr FWHM = 0.5 – 4.6 GHz Significant overlap Isolated lines? TE02
Experiment 6/22/20103 Cavity characteristics 3 second scan ~6000 resonances in the 172 – 262 GHz range FSR = 14.5 MHz Q ~ 7 10 6 Ringdown = 1/c ~ 5 s Quasi-Optical Isolator InSb Detector DAQ Pulse Generator BWO HV Power 10.3 m TE02
Low Pressure 6/22/20104 Good agreement between model and experiment Intensities and linewidths are consistent Residual is not significantly greater at the peaks Lines are isolated and less prone to mixing effects TE02
High Pressure 6/22/20105 Similar noise to low pressure Discrepancies near line peaks Causes? TE02
Causes of error near line peaks 6/22/20106 Intensity Frequency Experiment Linewidth Line Mixing TE02
Residuals at various pressures 6/22/20107 Ozone concentration is constant ~ 150 ppm Narrow features are consistent Broad features increase by an order of magnitude TE02
Causes of error near line peaks 6/22/20108 Intensity Frequency Experiment Linewidth Line Mixing TE02
Global linewidth adjustment fit 6/22/20109 a (T 0 /T) n a a Air-broadened linewidth in MHz/torr n a Air-broadened coefficient of temperature dependence Overlap makes measurement of linewidths difficult Global fit prevents pressure dependent parameters TE02
Global Fit Linewidth Adjustments 6/22/ Disagreement is <5% for most lines Many lines are known to within 2-5% How does this affect residuals? TE02
Residuals with global fit parameters 6/22/ Low pressure residuals don’t increase High pressure residuals improve near line centers Linewidth error is not sufficient to explain residual Published parameters accurately describe our data TE02
Causes of error near line peaks 6/22/ Intensity Frequency Experiment Linewidth Line Mixing TE02
Line mixing characteristics 6/22/ Lines not isolated Inelastic collisions allow coupling of lines First order effects can be expressed in a modified line profile Wing skewing Small center shift Linear in pressure Y = Y 0 P TE02
Line mixing 6/22/ Residuals largest at the wings of strong lines Conditions for line mixing Lower state energy gap is less than thermal energy Line separation is less than width E 1 - E 2 < kT < 1,2 E 1 - E 2 < kT < 1,2 TE02
Future Work 6/22/ Model line mixing Which lines mix? What are reasonable parameters? Explore other dense spectra Formaldehyde (H 2 CO) Nitric acid (HNO 3 ) Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) Acetonitrile (CH 3 CN) Methanol (CH 3 OH) TE02