Purpose of patient care management systems (PCMS); Most known solution in Latvia -„Doctor`s Office ” Mr. Kaspars Freimanis “Meditec” Ltd R Ī G A
Functionality and benefits of PCMS Patient’s data archive and central medical data hub Ensures and supports flow of patient`s treatment tasks and data Contains patient register, case records and other information which is generated during treatment process Ensures that most of patient and medical data is circulating in digital form Ensures quick and easy access to reports based on database information in any perspective Facilitates tasks, required to fill in special paper forms Facilitates tasks of data exchange between hospital and external organizations Minimizes human factor risk Safeguards all data according to existing sensitive data policies Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
Functionality and benefits of PCMS Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
Functionality and benefits of PCMS Base for further hospitals information system`s (HIS) development by creating a HIS “backbone” Link to join various IS together to maximize hospital's system's efficacy Link to external organizations (VOAVA, insurance companies, others) PCMS can easily contribute in creating nation wide systems providing it with necessary data Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
Functionality and benefits of PCMS Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
Functionality and benefits of PCMS Prepares hospital for e – health requirements Ensures creation of electronic patient`s case history Ensures creation, forwarding and receiving of EHR (electronic health records) Ensures carrying out of clinical diagnostics examination, saving of the results Ensures collection of structurised medical knowledge and it`s usage in treatment processes and for scientific purposes Provides management with various information analysis options using various information sources Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Patient care management systems Baltic IT &T |
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Short history of Meditec Ltd and it`s PCMS software „Doctor’s Office” January 25, year Company “M.I.T.C”. Ltd is founded, specialization – IT solutions for healthcare organizations January 30, year 2002 – project “Doctor's Office” is launched March 26, year 2006 – company renamed to “Meditec” Ltd April 18, year 2007 – opening technically next generation version of “Doctor's Office” in Traumatology and Orthopaedics hospital Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia PCMS “Doctor's Office” basic functionality covers flow of patient's treatment tasks and data in following departments: Admission Emergency station Clinical departments Therapeutic departments Surgical departments Ambulatory department Dictaphone centre Statistics department Management (Reports) Cash register module Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Additional features: Radiology (visual diagnostics) information system (RIS) Creation of assignments to visual diagnostic Registration of examinations Accountancy of dosage Creation of diagnostical conclusion Creation of outpatient card Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Additional features: Laboratory (chemical diagnostics) information system (LIS) Registration of incoming and outgoing information Examinable diagnostical results in dynamic Printable laboratory journal Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Additional features: Warehouse information system Write off of medications to specific patients and case records Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Patient care management systems Baltic IT &T |
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Patient care management systems Baltic IT &T |
Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T | “Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Many of the major hospitals in Latvia are our clients, such as: Traumatology and Orthopaedics Hospital P. Stradins University Clinical Hospital Riga`s East Hospital Bauska`s Hospital Diagnostics centre More throughout Latvia
“Doctor`s Office” – most known PCMS solution in Latvia Thank you for your attention! Meditec Ltd Lāčplēša 60 Riga, LV-1011, Latvia Telephone: Fax: WWW: Patient care management systems Baltic IT & T |