Motivation Done by: Husniddin Rahmatullaev Done for training at: school №11 Data:
Objectives (поставленная задача) Theoretical questions: 1)Concept of Motivation (what is motivation, what are the synonyms of motivation?) 2)Theoretical example of Motivation (Maslow’s theory) Discussion questions: 1)Real examples from our life 2)Game on motivation 3)Feedback 4)Conclusion
What is motivation? Motivation is an important part of human psychology. It arouses a person to act towards a desired goal. It is a driving force which promotes action. For example, hunger is a motivation which causes a desire to eat. Motivation is the purpose or psychological cause of an action. With humans, whose mental life is so much more complex, motivation is more complicated.psychologyhunger
Motivation (Uz.variant) Motiv — inson faoliyatida muayyan maqsadni bajarishga sabab boʻluvchi omil hisoblanadi. Motiv-shaxsni harakatga va faoliyatga undovchi, ehtiyojning yuksak shakli sifatida paydo boʻluvchi ichki turtki hisoblanadi. Ehtiyoj va instinkt, mayl va hissiyot, ideal va Motivlar jumlasiga kiradi. Hozir zamon psixologiyasida Motivlar atamasi subʼyektni faollashtiruvchi turli hodisa va holatlarni ifodalash uchun qoʻllanadi. Xatti-harakat va faoliyat Motivlarining majmuasi motivatsiya deyiladi. Motiv ehtiyoj negizida vujudga keladi va shakllanadi. Ehtiyojning barqarorlashuvi motivatsiyaning samarali shakllanishini taʼminlaydi. Harakat faoliyatning tarkibi boʻlganligi tufayli u faoliyatning maqsadi va Motivi orqali boshqariladi. Baʼzan "Motiv" tushunchasini "emotsiya", "maqsad", "ustanovka" atamalari bilan almashtirish hollari uchraydi. Goho turtki, qoʻzgʻovchi, undovchi tushunchalari bilan almashtirish mumkin.
Synonyms Мотивация- Побуждение Мотивация- Движущая сила Мотивация- Целенаправленность
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs was created by Abraham Maslow in He wrote about this hierarchy in “A Theory of Human Motivation.” In this paper, he says that there are five levels of needs that people have in their lives.Abraham Maslow
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Be a Leader 1.Get Yourself Motivated 2.THEN Motivate Others