Match the words with their correct definitions. Give them. 1. boarding school a. a school for children from 2 to 5 2. coeducational b. education for older people 3. comprehensive school c. education here is free of charge 4. compulsory d. parents pay for this school 5. further education e. a school for children from 7 to 11 6. infant school f. pupils live and study here 7. junior school g. required by law 8. nursery school h. boys and girls study together 9. private school i. takes pupils of all abilities 10. state school j. a school for children from 5 to 7
Education in Russia secondary state Primary compulsory comprehensive coeducational All Russian children have the right to education. All … schools are free and provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies. 90% of schools are … that means boys and girls are taught together at the same class. Education in our country is … and lasts now for 12 years. It consists of primary and secondary education. … education starts at the age of 6 or 7 . The primary school curriculum includes Russian, Maths, Reading, Drawing, PT and Music. After four years of primary school classes pupils go on to … school, where they study a variety of subjects. Classes last 40 minutes with breaks of 10-15 minutes. Most schools in Russia are,… which take pupils of all abilities. But there are some specialized schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, which give profound knowledge in various academic subjects. At 16 after finishing the 9th form students must take some examinations. But to enter a university they have to study for two more years.
Choose only correct sentences. Tick them. 1. Secondary education in Russia is compulsory. 2. Primary and secondary education are paid by parents. 3. There are no private schools in our country. 4. We have schools specializing in different subjects. 5. Pupils can enter another school after the 9th form. 6. At the age of sixteen pupils can go to university
In Britain… In Russia… Pupils get fours and fives if they work hard at the lesson. Education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16. Children go to school at the age of 6 or 7 years old. At 16 pupils take national exam called “GCSE”. In primary school children are taught the so-called 3 R’s. The most important subjects in secondary school are Russian and Maths. There are some specialized schools such as gymnasium, Suvorov school, lyceum. About 7% of students attend private schools, where parents have to pay for their children. Secondary schools are divided into comprehensive, grammar and modern ones. Pupils study English as a foreign language.