Recognize what's important!
What is truly important? What drives people? What does motivation really mean? How do Leaders achieve results expected?
Company Vision Mission Statement Values Strategic Long Term Plan. Company objectives set for the year.
Kaisen Consulting in England A North American Study: What Really Motivates People at Work.
Achievement 56 Working with others 52 Recognition 44 Helping others 16 Varied and interesting work 14
Financial reward 14 Good working atmosphere 14 Empowerment 10 Solving problems 9 Physical environment 9
Not Manipulative – Inspirational All employees need to have a sense of purpose Each individual’s contribution is understood and appreciated Provide opportunities for development I know what is expected of me and I have the tools to achieve my objectives
Authentic management and leadership whose behaviour is consistent and genuine Proactive and regular communication
Regular appraisal and positive feedback - restating business objectives and recognising your staff's contribution Recognition and reward for ideas
Demonstrating trust Showing respect Giving encouragement
Ignore relationships at your peril. Teambuilding Matters. Positive Strokes lead to a Positive bottom line – Recognition is the oxygen of motivation. Managers make the difference. What’s in it for me!
Know what kind of Company you are: Vision, Mission and Values. Know what kind of person will thrive in your culture. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Recognize and reward.