Presented by EHA team 5 th Team - EHA Yooseok Jeong G Hou Chengkun Seo-Hyun Sohn Won Jang Yong-Gyu Hwang Designing and Building an Electric Hydraulic Actuator
Presented by EHA team Contents 1. Motivation & Objective ① Cylinder ② Position Sensor ③ Motor & Pump ① Showing how to work ② Data analysis ③ Final assessment 2. Building an EHA Selecting Parts of EHA Assembly Drawing Designing a Control Circuit 3. Conclusion Introducing a Prototype Final Evaluation
Presented by EHA team General Hydraulic SYS Electric Hydraulic SYS (Actuator) Motivation & Objective Problems Pipe oil-leakage Accuracy Size Efficiency Improvement Solutions for the problems Reduce required electricity Motivation
Presented by EHA team 일체형 전동유압액추에이터 (EHA) Motor, Pump, and Cylinder Motivation & Objective Research of EHA in Korea is in beginning phase No domestic companies sell EHA Proposal PURPOSE OF OUR TEAM “Building an EHA that satisfies a size, accuracy, and a demand from the proposal that has the same thrust” Objective
Presented by EHA team Building an EHA Hyd Cylinder ( 케이시시정공 ) Specification Load typeSingle loadspeed8~200mm/sec DiameterΦ63mmlength300mm Pressure140kgf/cm2Force4361kgf Selecting Parts of EHA - Cylinder
Presented by EHA team Building an EHA LVDTLinear Scale Got an denial message from Cylinder maker. We selected Linear Scale to use in EHA system Resolution, Measure coverage of Linear Scale is acceptable Selecting Parts of EHA – Position Sensor
Presented by EHA team Building an EHA Because of the price and cross-browsing design problem, we need expert’s help. Expert will give us selected parts. Selecting Parts of EHA – Motor and Pump
Presented by EHA team Building an EHA Assembly Drawing - Main Body, Linear scale connecting part
Presented by EHA team Building an EHA Assembly Drawing - Joint, Assembled model
Presented by EHA team Building an EHA Assembly Drawing - Driving Visualization
Presented by EHA team Building an EHA Assembly Drawing – Designing a Control Circuit
Presented by EHA team Conclusion Introducing a Prototype
Presented by EHA team Conclusion Data Analysis
Presented by EHA team PID 제어를 사용한다면 Gain 값에 따른 gragh Conclusion Data Analysis
Presented by EHA team Conclusion Final Assessment
Presented by EHA team History Log( 임시 ) Chart 9/29Discuss about the topic of next presentation 10/1Making plans for meeting with the RPM tech 10/3Clarifying the team purpose & selecting the part specification 10/5Making PPT & preparation for PPT 10/7 Discuss about linear scale and LVDT 10/8 Interview with KCC company and decide linear sacle 10/10 Discuss about apparatus arrangement 10/11Making PPT & preparation for PPT
Presented by EHA team Reference S. H. Park “Characteristics of an Electro Hydrostatic Actuator and Application Fields” 유공압시스템학회지 제 6 권 제 1 호 pp. 2~ 년 3 월 S. H. Park, “A Study on Control of Electro-Hydraulic Servo System Using High Speed Solenoid Valve,” Dept. of Mechanical and precision Engineering Gradate School Pusan National University, Feb, 김종식, “ 선형 제어시스템 공학 ” 淸文, Y. H. Park, S. H. Park “EHA(Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator) Identification and control of Position Control System for Electro-Hydraulic Actuator” 한국동력기계공학회지 제 15 권 제 2 호 pp.69~ 년 4 월 Automatic Control Systems (9 New, Hardcover) Patent Material ▪ 유체압 실린더 장치, 출원번호 특개 ( 일본특허 ) ▪ 전기유압 액츄에이터, 출원번호 특개 ( 일본특허 ) ▪ 유압 편로드 실린더를 구비한 산업용 전기유압 일체형 구동기 시스템, 출원번호 ▪ 산업용 전기유압 일체형 구동기 시스템의 성능 및 효율 개선을 위한 제어방법, 출원번허 ▪ 전기 유압 하이브리드 액츄에이터, 출원번호 ▪ 자동변속기용 유압제어 시스템, 출원번호 특 ▪ 유압제어 시스템, 출원번호 ( 국제특허 ) ▪ 전동식 오일펌프의 유압제어장치 및 방법, 출원번호 ( 국제특허 ) ▪ 전압제어회로, 출원번호 ( 국제특허 ) (7) 리쯔밍, 이지민, 박성환, 김종식, 박용호, “ 전기 정유압 구동기를 적용한 유압식 동력 조향 시스템 ”, 한국동력기계공학회지 15 권 6 호 86 ~ 94 페이지 (8) 이지민, 박성환, 박민규, 김종식,” 적응 PID 슬라이딩 모드 제어기법을 적용한 EHA 시스템의 위치제어 (A Position Control of EHA Systems using Adaptive PID Sliding Mode Control Scheme), 한국동력기계공학회지 17 권 4 호 120 ~ 130 페이지 (9) Min Gyu Park. Sung Hwan Park, Jong Shik Kim, Ho Gil Lee “Modeling and Control and Electro Hydrostatic Actuator Systems” 2009 년 8 월 pp
Presented by EHA team Question