PL/T Programming Language for Time Supervised by Professor Alfred V. Aho Teaching Assistant: Mr. Yan Zou Laurent Charignon (lc2817): Project Manager Sameer Choudhary (sc3363): System Integrator Imré Frotier de la Messelière (imf2108): Language Guru Tao Song (ts2695): System Architect Abhijeet Tirthgirikar (apt2120): Tester and Validator
Introduction to PL/T Example Scenario You want to make an alarm clock. Set it up to ring at 8:00pm today. You can input “y” to snooze it for another 10 mins. You have to terminate the program to stop the alarm otherwise it will keep on running for an hour. The alarm clock will ring for 1s and wait for input to snooze for 1s, and it will keep doing that for 1 hour.
Introduction to PL/T (Continued…) PL/T has following properties:- Simple and Easy to Learn Powerful Robust Portable Intuitive Precise
Sample Programs void main ( ) { #|5| every 1s{ cout << "hello"; }
Sample Programs (Continued…) void countDown(time t) { time n = now(); time p = t; # every 1s{ cout << p; p = p-1s; } cout<< "Time over!"; }
Motivation In general purpose programing languages it is difficult to write time based programs Requires knowledge of threads Idea of having time as a primitive data type To make writing time based general purpose operations like looping etc. easy
Project Management What we wanted Avoid stress by having something working quickly Don't have to cross our fingers the last day Learn new practices
Project Management (Continued…) What we have actually did Made some compromises on the scope of the project when it was needed Considered the individual comfort as a top priority Tried several paths when we are blocked Refactored a lot Tested the most critical features to feel confident and avoid this
Important Language syntactic constructs Time time t1 = 1h2m5s1i; time t2 = 1h1m; t1+t2 => 2h3m5s1i 2*t2 => 2h2m t2/2 => 30m30s t1 true t1 >t2 => false
Important Language syntactic constructs Time time t = now(); cin >> t; cout << t; number n = 5; t = NumberToTime(n); n=TimeToNumber(t);
Important Language syntactic constructs # Loop #|5|{... } #|3| every 1h{... } time t = now(); # {... } # every 2s{... }
Important Language syntactic constructs # Loop #|5|{... } #|3| every 1h{... } time t = now(); # {... } # every 2s{... }
Compiler Architecture Fig 1: Architecture Diagram in a nutshell
Compiler Architecture(Continued…) Fig 2: Detailed Architecture Diagram
Execution (Continued) 1. input.plt void main(){ time p = 10s; cout << p; } 2. import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; class Main{ public static void main(String argv[]) double d =10000; System.out.println(BIF.intToTi me((int)(p))); } 3. Comiler Output 10s
Testing Unit Testing JUnit Test Framework To extensively test AST and the code it generates Factory methods to define complex getCode functions Functional Testing Complete test suite of PLT programs to test the compiler Same set of PL/T programs are used to test symbol table Cucumber JVM - Behavior driven development Executes plain-text functional descriptions as automated tests
Tools Used JFlex CUP Eclipse Egit Cucumber al/ ng A voir sur cette page pour reproduir ele logo en texte a decouper /modern/java/CUP/
Conclusions Communication! The minutes and the meetings matter more than the code, be sure that everybody knows the status of the project Have a good morale condition: no rush and focus on building a prototype early Keep the iteration shorts and switch roles to maintain a good morale condition. Welcome ideas from everyone and discuss it altogether DVCS is a very important tool, it saves you a great amount of time Use a set of tools you are confident with, it will matter a lot Team building matters Don't hesitate to change your idea Trust your tests to refactor often and have a maintainable code