SDKs Source control, table scripts, custom API & Scheduler FacebookTwitterMicrosoftGoogle Active Directory SQL Table Storage Blob Storage WNS & MPNS APNSGCM Mongo DB Windows Store iOS Android Windows Phone 8 iOS Android HTML 5/JS REST API
Supported Modules and Globals mssql request console push.* tables xml2js statusCodes Windows Azure Node SDK Windows Store Partners (Sengrid, Twilio, Pusher)
Diagnostics API calls CPU Time Data Out Logging console.error(…) console.log(…) console.warn(…) Scaling
Additional Resources Windows Azure Mobile Services Overview, Tutorials and Resources Collection of Helpful Tutorials and Resources Learn/Channel SDKs on GitHub REST API Reference Windows Azure Pricing UserVoice for Feature Requests Microsoft Azure Certified Training
All JavaScript Execute scripts on a Schedule by Minutes, Hours, Days or Months Execute scripts on Demand Examples Periodic data cleanup Poll and aggregate from 3rd party (Twitter, RSS, others) Process/resize images Schedule sending push notifications at a given time of day