Did you know…. l 2003 was the World Year of Fresh Water? l 2004 was the World Year of Rice?
What are we going to do about it? World Year of Physics
Objectives of WYP? l Celebrate 100 anniversary of “The Miraculous Year” of Einstein l Promotion of public understanding of physics and physical sciences l Increase number of students taking physics
World Year of Physics Initiatives l International l National l Community l School l Individual
International Projects and Events l Check International Projects and Events when planning vacations l Take part in International Projects ( Light Around the World Story writing contest
Canadian Initiatives Canadian WYP Committee will promote… l 2005 CAP Lecture Tour: Clifford Will of Washington University, MO. “General Relativity: Was Einstein Right?” l Poster Event Calendar to High Schools
Canadian Initiatives Cont’d l Canadian Stamp series l Articles in Canadian Publications l Participation in Story Writing Project l Physics on Stage
Community Projects (Here’s where you come in) l Book Stage Productions in your town l Promote and publicize events through local TV stations l Communicate with other high schools in your board l Take Physics to Feeder Schools
Community Con’t l Encourage participation in other schools as well as your own l Suggest a radio event l Wear your T to the gym l Have competitions in the mall
School Events l Form a student committee l Communicate with other schools through “WYP High School Central” Website l Participate in OAPT Contest and New OAPT Photo Contest (TBA)
Ideas l School WYP T’s l Traveling Physics Team l Physics in a Box l Movie Nights with Contests l Tidbits l Cross Curricular Speakers
Ideas Cont’d l Newsletter Items l Paint a Billboard in the community l Paint a banner for the school l Fun Contests (Einstein Look-a-like) l Stage productions - “Alice in Quarkland”, “Wizard of Quark”
My Projects l T Shirts l Video project (feedback welcomed) l Nestle Physics l Tom Schuch: “Einstein: A Stage Portrait” By Willard Sims (
Tom Schuch in “Einstein: A Stage Portrait” Booked at Centrepointe Theatre, Ottawa for May 13-14th, 2005 Consider booking him to perform in your town around these dates. Contact me if interested. Check
Lets Make it a Year to Remember!