The East-West Outreach nuclear physics Network – EWON EURONS/N04 - 14 member institutions from 10 countries AIMS 1)Strengthen the involvement of the EWON.


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Presentation transcript:

The East-West Outreach nuclear physics Network – EWON EURONS/N member institutions from 10 countries AIMS 1)Strengthen the involvement of the EWON nuclear physics community in the research programs of the European Large Research Infrastructures. 2)Enhance collaboration between scientists in these communities.STRUCTURE The Network Coordination Committee (NCC) : Initiates and coordinates the network’s activities (5 members). The Network Working Groups (NWG) : Scientists appointed by the EWON member institutions, perform studies related to the goals and deliverables of the network. They refer to the NCC and prepare the deliverables.MILESTONES a)M-N Setup of webpages and working groups due: 7/05 done: 6/05 b)M-N Workshop due: 10/07 done: 5/07 c)M-N Mid-term report on the progress of the working groups due: 3/07 not done yet DELIVERABLES (Reports) a)D-N Setup of webpages and working groups) due: 7/05 delivered b)D-N Research activities of EWON groups in LSFs due: 12/07 c)D-N Mapping study of nuclear science in EWON countries due: 12/08

The East-West Outreach nuclear physics Network – EWON The web site : member institutions working groups EWON meetings EWON questionnaires Tour of EWON Labs

AIMS 1)Strengthen the involvement of the EWON nuclear physics community in the research programs of the European Large Research Infrastructures. 2)Enhance collaboration between scientists in these communities.STRUCTURE The Network Coordination Committee (NCC) : Initiates and coordinates the network’s activities (5 members). The Network Working Groups (NWG) : Scientists appointed by the EWON member institutions, perform studies related to the goals and deliverables of the network. They refer to the NCC and prepare the deliverables.MILESTONES a)M-N Setup of webpages and working groups due: 7/05 done: 6/05 b)M-N Workshop due: 10/07 done: 4/07 c)M-N Mid-term report on the progress of the working groups due: 3/07 not done yet DELIVERABLES (Reports) a)D-N Setup of webpages and working groups) due: 7/05 delivered b)D-N Research activities of EWON groups in LSFs due: 12/07 c)D-N Mapping study of nuclear science in EWON countries due: 12/08 The East-West Outreach nuclear physics Network – EWON EURONS/N member institutions from 10 countries Report given at the EURONS Mainz-Meeting, April 2006

The East-West Outreach nuclear physics Network – EWON The EWON Prague (May 10-12, 2007) Organized by NPI-Rez (J. Dobes) Participants45 Oral presentations30 (mainly on activities of EWON groups at LSF’s) LSF assigned conveners GSI: A. Maj (IFJ Krakow) GANIL:B. Fornal (IFJ Krakow) LNL:D. Bucurescu (HH-IFIN Bucharest) ISOLDE:D. Balabanski (INRNE Sofia) KVI:A. Krasznahorkay (ATOMKI Debrecen) JYFL:S. Harissopulos (Demokritos, Athens) OTHERS 25% 20% 10% 5% 10% A major portion of the work performed at EWON labs aims at preparing projects to be carried out at LSFs There exist a strong potential for a “Distributed Accelerator Facility” EWON groups are strongly involved in projects running at the LSFs (TNA proposal submitted : DAF, to be presented by D. Balabanski)