Fractions * Decimals * Percents The student will learn how to convert various fractions, decimals and percentages
Converting fraction to decimal To convert fraction to decimal you divide the numerator by the denominator
Converting fraction to decimal or /3
Converting decimals to fractions Write a fraction, using the decimal number as the numerator and a power of 10 (10,100,1000 etc.) corresponding to the place value of the last digit of the decimal # as the denominator Example 1 :.25 as a fraction 25 is the numerator In.25 the last digit is in the hundredths place, therefore 100 is the denominator 25 ÷ 25 = ÷ 25 = 4 1/4
Converting decimals to fractions Example 2: set aside the 4 and convert the.375 into a fraction 375 is the numerator. In the decimal #.375, 5 is the last digit & is in the thousandths place, therefore 1000 is the denominator. The greatest divisor common to both numerator & denominator is ÷ 125 = 3 The reduced fraction is 3/ ÷ 125 = 8 Annex the 4 for 4 3/8
Percents to fraction to decimal % means hundredths – 100’s % - sign for percent Every % may be written a decimal or fraction Example : 1% or.01 or 1/100 PercentFractionDecimal 5%5/ %7.5/ %120/ %.8/
Percents to fraction to decimal Percent Move decimal Decimal # 5% % % % When you change a % to decimal,you move the decimal 2 places LEFT ( drop the % sign)
Percents to fraction to decimal Decimal # move decimal Percent % % % % When you change a decimal to a %, you move the decimal 2 places RIGHT & add the % sign
Percent of a number Change percent to a decimal # % means hundredth Multiply number by the decimal # 75% of $ % is 75/100 or x $33.75
Percent of a number 60% of $1, % = $870.00