I can read, write, and connect models of fractions, decimals, whole numbers, and percents in several different ways. Elaine Murphy CWE
Essential Questions 1.What are some different ways that numbers can be expressed? How are fractions, decimals, and percents related? 2.How would you represent a part of a whole number? What are models you could use to demonstrate those representations?
Let’s Talk Vocab. Fraction: A fraction is a part of a whole represented as a numerator over a denominator. The next two slides are just a quick review to remind the kids the fractions and decimals both represent parts of a whole and are interchangeable. 4 7 Numerator (parts of a...) Denominator (whole...)
How would you represent this fraction? 6 Part 10 Whole What is the fraction that represents the area not shaded?
What is a Decimal? A decimal is part of the whole. Think of money: $1.50 * The whole number is $1 * The .50 is the part of a whole dollar.
How can we represent decimals? We can represent decimals using the base ten blocks. How can we represent decimals? Each little box is .01 or one hundredth Each row is .1 (one tenth) or .10 (ten hundredths) One whole of part of the whole
What decimal would this be? 9 boxes are shaded in. Remember a little box is .01 or one hundredth The answer is .09 or 9 hundredths
What decimal would this be? 24 boxes are shaded in. Remember * a little box is .01 or one hundredth * a row is .1 or one tenth The answer is .24 or 24 hundredths
What is a percent? A percent is part of a whole The whole is out of 100. Most commonly used for grades 100% = A+ 80% = B
How is a percent represented? To represent a percent we can use a hundreds block because the percent whole is One Hundred 100%
How is a percent represented? We can use the same blocks as decimals. 24 blocks are shaded The answer would be 24%
How is a percent represented? We can use the same blocks as decimals. 35 blocks are shaded The answer would be 35%
What does this all mean? Think about the question...What do fractions, decimals and percents have in common.
Answer They are all parts of a whole!!! Because they are all parts of whole we can... Look at a percent and change it into a decimal and fraction Look at a decimal and change it into a fraction and percent Look at a fraction and change it into a decimal and percent.
How to turn a percent into a decimal. You have 75% To change it into a decimal this is what you do. Step 1 put a decimal at the back of the number So we would put a decimal behind the 5 of 75. Step 2 Move the decimal two always move it 2 numbers 7 5. Our new number is 75 hundredths or .75
Lets practice moving that decimal! 65% 5% 47% 10%
How to change a decimal to percent. Step 1: Move the decimal two spaces to the right .8 9 -Step 2: Leave the decimal where it is and put a percent sign! You now have your answer! 89%
Lets Practice! .04 .10 .12 .87 .66
Turning a decimal into a fraction Lets use the decimal .04 Step 1: Say the decimal out loud four hundredths Step 2: Think about the last number you said hundredths this last word is your new denominator Put your number on top of your new denominator 4 100
Lets Practice .67 .54 .43 .01 .2
What did we learn today? We learned that decimal, fraction and percent are all parts of a whole. We can represent decimals and percents using base ten blocks. We can turn a decimal into a fraction .1 = 1/10 We can turn a decimal into a percent .50 = 50% We can turn a percent into a decimal
Closure What do fractions, decimals, and percents have in common?