Unit 1 – Introduction to Physics
Instructor: Mrs. Sundeen Textbook: Conceptual Physics by Paul Hewitt Supplies: Textbook Pens and pencils one subject, college rule, spiral notebooks Calculator with trigonometric functions Glue stick.
Website: Grading: CategoryPercent of Grade Exams50% Labs/Projects30% Home/Class Work20%
Late Work: NO late work will be accepted! Food/Drinks: NO food or drinks allowed! Semester Final Grade Calculation: Final exams count toward 10% of your grade. Example: Seniors – Keep your grade above a 78!!!!!! Semester Grade70 Semester Grade after 10%63 Final Exam Grade50 Final Semester Grade68
Tutoring: AM - 8:15 – 8:45PM – 3:45 – 4:15 Extra Credit: Once every 9-weeks. Earn 10 points on lowest exam grade. Power-point presentation on a famous scientist. Makeup Work: Exams/Quizzes/Labs will be completed on return day. Class/Home work will be completed within one day. Absences must be excused.