Welcome Step 1 Take a few moments to think of all the negative student behaviors you encounter, and then categorize them in the boxes below, using the criteria below Minor Non-Disruptive behaviors are those that do not interfere with other student’s on-task behavior. Minor Disruptive behaviors are those that pull others off tasks. Escalated behaviors are more extreme or non-compliant. Crisis behaviors cause emergency situations in which safety is a true issue. Step 2 Identify the positive opposite of the negative behaviors you have listed. What do you want the student to do?
Today you will: 1.Understand the Response Protocol from Scaffolding Classroom Management 2.Individualize the Response Protocol to fit your style and situation Responding to Negative Behavior Part 3 of Scaffolding Classroom Management
Categorizing Student Behaviors Crisis EscalatedMinor DisruptiveMinor Non- Disruptive Teacher Responses Escalate or De-escalate
Tool 1 Strong Voice 5 Principles 1.Economy of Language 2.Do not talk over 3.Do not engage 4.Square up/Stand still 5.Quiet Power
Tool 2 Acknowledgements Be a slot machine Strive for a 3:1 ratio of positive to negative interactions Be sincere
Tool 3 Fluent Redirection Follow the 4-step process: 1. State what you expect the student to do and move on seconds later observe if the student was compliant 3.If so, acknowledge the change in behavior 4.If not, ensure the other students have are engaged in an independent activity and dialogue with the student (see the teaching interaction) Be a soda machine
Tool 4 The Teaching Interaction Follow the 7 Steps 1.Start with praise/empathy 2.State the problem behavior 3.State the expected behavior 4.Justify the expected behavior 5.Check for understanding 6.Deliver corrective action (if needed) 7.End with praise/empathy
Tool 5 Menu of Rewards and Corrective Actions Rewards are reinforcements provided to students who exhibit appropriate behaviors. Corrective Actions are consequences utilized to help change student behavior. Brainstorm of a menu of rewards and corrective actions for each category listed below. Refer to the list of common negative behaviors in your classroom and determine the corrective action to be utilized in responding to continuing negative behaviors.
Tool 6 Refocus Zone/Peace Area Location in your classroom Furnishings Materials A Name
Tool 7 SAMA Verbal De-escalation Follow the 10 Steps 1. I see you ______. 2.Are you feeling (angry)? 3.I can see that you are (angry). 4.What are you (angry) about? 5.So you’re (angry) about ____. Is that right? 6.What do you want? 7.What have you tried? 8.How well has that worked? 9.What else are you willing to try? 10.Will you let me know how it goes?
Tool 8 Response Protocol A systematic process designed to ensure consistent teacher response to student negative behavior Respond to negative behavior like a soda machine
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