Czech/Ondrejov (Prague) Host institute: Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences Public research institution 60 FTEs research staff + 60 technicians/support Solar and stellar physics, galactic and extragalactic physics, IP matter ARC node representative: Miro Barta ARC node Expertise: ALMA observations of the Sun (unique) (Extra) Galactic, ISM & stellar physics, laboratory mm spectroscopy Parallel computing /data processing NameStatusFTEExpertise/task Pavel JachymStaff0.2(Extra)Galactic & ISM physics / CSS, QA2 Devaky KunneriathPost-doc0.2(Extra)Galactic & ISM physics / CSS, QA2 (under training) Marian KarlickyEmeritus0.2Solar radiophysics / Former node representative Bartosz DabrowskiPost-doc1.0Solar radiophysics / CSS, QA2, web maintenance (left on 10/2014) Michaela KrausStaff0.1Stellar physics / CSS
Czech/Ondrejov (Prague) Major current activities: User support (tutorials/advices, Phase I support, CSS, QA2) Participation in EOC – Solar ALMA observing mode Community building – namely solar physicists – Invited review Solar Radioastronomy in the age of ALMA at 14 th European Solar Physics Meeting, Dublin, September 2014 – SolarALMA WikiPages maintenance Funding: So far solely from the Institute EOC project Solar Research with ALMA started this year (for 30 months) Large project for financing of Research Infrastructures (RI) submitted. Evaluated quite positively, however negotiations are underway. Future perspectives: Much larger workload since solar observations start (Cycle 4) Increase of staff by 3 FTEs for 5 years starting on January 2016 provided the project of RI is finally approved
Czech/Ondrejov (Prague) Issues/concerns: Presently feeling shortage of personnel (should improve soon) Not so well developed community in Central/Eastern Europe Solar observations (core of the node interest) not commissioned yet Additional comments: Two fellows took part in successful solar observing campaign (EOC) in Chile recently (Dec 2014) In addition to the local staff the node has a lot of willing external collaborators: Sven Wedemeyer-Boehm (Uni Oslo, numerical input for ALMA simulations), Roman Brajsa (Uni Zagreb, EOC PI), Gottfried Mann & Christian Vocks (AIP Potsdam, ALMA-LOFAR synergies in solar obs.)