Goal Objectives Components Third Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP 3) Goal Objectives Components
PEDP3 builds on PEDP1 and PEDP2 PEDP1(1997-2003) Ten specific objectives, several separate projects managed and financed separately by 8 development partners PEDP2(2004-2011) Coordinated and integrated sub-sector programme within DPE- included many SWAp features in its design PEDP3(2011-2016) Strengthens SWAp in terms of financial management, donor harmonisation and programme scope
To provide: “quality education for all our children” Scope of PEDP3 The whole primary education sector plus gradual inclusion of one pre-primary year Goal of PEDP3 To provide: “quality education for all our children”
Objective of PEDP3 To establish “an efficient, inclusive and equitable primary education system delivering effective and relevant child-friendly learning to all Bangladesh`s children from pre-primary through Grade V primary.” To establish
Components of PEDP3 Component 1: Learning and Teaching Component 2: Participation and Disparities Component 3: Decentralization and Effectiveness Component 4: Planning and Management
29 Sub-components Component 1 Learning and Teaching 1.1 Shikhbe Protiti Shishu (Each child learns) 1.2 School and Classroom Based Assessment 1.3 Curriculum and Textbooks Strengthened 1.4 Productions and Distribution Textbooks DLI1 1.5 ICT in Education 1.6 Teacher Education and Development DLI2
Component 2.1 Participation 2.1.1 Second Chance and Alternative Education 2.1.2 Pre- Primary Provision (Education) DLI3 2.1.3 Mainstreaming Inclusive Education [IE] 2.1.4 Education in Emergencies 2.1.5 Communication and Social Mobilization Component 2.2 Reducing Disparities 2.2.1 Targeted Stipends 2.2.2 School health and school feeding 2.2.3 School Physical Environment 2.2.4 Need Based Infrastructure development DLI4
Component 3.1 Decentralization 3.1.1 Field- Level Offices Strengthened 3.1.2 Decentralized School Management and Governance DLI5 3.1.3 School Level Leadership and Development 3.1.4 Organizational Review and Strengthening Component 3.2 Effectiveness 3.2.1 Grade V Terminal Examination strengthened DLI6 3.2.2 Teacher Recruitment and Deployment DLI7 3.2.3 Annual School Census DLI8 3.2.4 National Assessment of Students
Component 4 Planning and Management 4.1 PEDP3 Management and Governance 4.2 PEDP3 Financial Management 4.3 Sector Finance DLI9 4.4 Strengthening Monitoring Functions 4.5 Human Resource Development (HRD) 4.6 Public – Private Partnerships (PPP)
Thank you all Nirmal Chandra Sharma Instructor(General) PTI, Sunamgonj