Fraction to Decimal and Percent
Fraction to Decimal 2. Divide 1 2 EX 1) = 1. Make denominator a power of 10. OR X X 5 10 ?5 5 Put numerator behind decimal at appropriate place value = 0.5 = EX 2) 1 8 ● ● = 3.5 Mixed numbers work the same way – whole number stays whole number =
x 20 Fraction to Percent 1.Make an equivalent fraction with 100 as the denominator EX 3) EX 4) 1 5 = =20 % 2. Any fraction with a denominator of 100 can be written with the numerator as a percent. X X x 5 16 = 3. Use solve proportions when denominator cannot be multiplied by a whole number to make an equivalent fraction with 100 as the denominator. Cross multiply and divide 5 x 100 ÷ % Leave as fraction or make decimal 1 % Mixed number – Whole number goes first
Percent to Fraction 1.Put percent over Simplify EX 5) EX 6) 50 %= = 5 10 = %= = = 3 4
Essential Question How can you express a fraction as a decimal?
Fraction to Decimal and Percent Date _______________
Fraction to Decimal 2. Divide EX 1) = 1. Make denominator a power of 10. OR Put numerator behind decimal at appropriate place value = = EX 2) = Mixed numbers work the same way – whole number stays whole number
Fraction to Percent 1.Make an _________ fraction with ___ as the denominator EX 3) EX 4) = = 2. Any fraction with a denominator of 100 can be written with the ___________ as a ___________. = 3. Use solve proportions when denominator cannot be multiplied by a whole number to make an equivalent fraction with 100 as the denominator. Cross multiply and divide Leave as fraction or make decimal Mixed number – Whole number goes first
Percent to Fraction EX 5) EX 6) 50 %= 430 %=
Essential Question How can you express a fraction as a decimal?