The assessment concept of innovative level of Armenia’s industry Gagik Makaryan RUEA chairman 9 September, 2013
Armenia. Geographic location
Rank of Armenia in Global Competitiveness Report O According to the Global Competitiveness Report , released by the World Economic Forum. Armenia is ranked 79th among 148 countries. O In – rank 82th. 3
Rank of Armenia in Global Competitiveness Report Basic requirements (40.2%)73 Institutions65 Infrastructure80 Macroeconomic environment64 Health and primary education85 4 Efficiency enhancers (49.9%)85 Higher education and training77 Goods market efficiency58 Labor market efficiency50 Financial market development76 Technological readiness72 Market size117 Innovation and sophistication factors (10.0%)88 Business sophistication87 Innovation103
Goal of proposed research O Identify the needs of industry O Prepare background for developing a national industrial development concept O Categorize the industry via a set of parameters 5
Description of parameters O Historical perspective O The size of the company O Type of activity O Export volume and potential, markets. O Management technologies O Technologies involved O Problems experienced (logistical, transportation, legislation related, marketing, environmental, etc.) 6
Outcomes O Development of Armenian industrial information database, O Creation of charts for each category to give the most complete picture of the Armenia’s industry. O Analysis of trends and correlations, identification of general problems and recommended actions. 7
Main implementing organizations O Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA) O American University of Armenia (AUA), department of Industrial Engineering Partners O Other business associations, chambers of commerce 8
Financing and project details O RUEA: contributed by staff, organization of research, office and equipment O AUA: students and alumni O International and local donors Preliminary total budget: 130,000 USD Project duration: 18 months 9
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