Build-It-Yourself Lab Book This is a template or starting point for your lab book. You must fill in the pages, make it look great, use Word Art for titles, add sound effects, and insert pictures. Make your graphics jump off the page! Names of team members
The Problem The Mission Describe the problem we are solving. The world is full of very tough problems including the environment, the economy, prejudice, energy … The Mission Describe our mission. Our mission is to build machines and program computers to solve or better understand the problem. Names of team members
Law of the Lab 1) Respect teammates: Did you share ideas, help someone or lead your team? 2) Respect your lab: Did you clean up, take care of tools and sort parts? 3) Don’t do stupid stuff: Did you do anything you would not want your parents to know? Names of team members
Consequences If you don’t follow the rules, you must apologize to your teammates: Strike 1 – Warning. Strike 2 – Parent must sign a note. Strike 3 - May be kicked off the team. If you mess up 3 times, you have a problem! Names of team members
“I CAN’T” SWIZZORBLOTZ’D Golden Rule The Build-It-Yourself Laboratory is for dreamers and builders.. Anyone who destroys something or says, “I CAN’T” Will get SWIZZORBLOTZ’D
The Swizzorblotz Machine
Extreme Building Multiple brains are better than one. Share ideas. There is a new technique for improving productivity at big engineering companies. It’s called ‘Extreme Programming.’ In the old days every engineer had their own computer terminal. In some of today’s most progressive technology companies, teams of 2 –4 engineers share a computer terminal. One types and the others contribute and check ideas. This technique, called Extreme Programming, is proving to be very effective. We will practice this technique. Names of team members
Presenting Ideas and Building Ugly Average Way Cool Names of team members
Your Project Write a description, story, poem or song about your project. Names of team members