PAEMST Applicant Webinar Kitty Rutherford- Math Debra Hall- Science February 13, 2012
The Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is the Highest Recognition that a kindergarten through 12 th grade mathematics or science teacher may receive for outstanding teaching in the United States.
Established by Congress in 1983, the program authorizes the President to bestow up to 108 awards per year. *An award may be given to two mathematics or science teachers from each of the 50 states and four U.S. jurisdictions. Jurisdictions include: Washington DC, Puerto Rico, Dept of Defense schools, and the US Territories as a group (US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands).
Awardees receive: A certificate signed by the President of the United States A $10,000 award from NSF to be used at the awardee’s discretion A trip for two to Washington, D.C. for recognition events –These events include an award ceremony, celebratory receptions, professional development programs, and discussions with policy-makers on how to improve mathematics and science education.
2010 Presidential Awardees At The White House with President Obama
PAEMST Recognition Events “Focus the Message” Professional Development Session Conferring of certificates at the Awards Ceremony
PAEMST Recognition Events Teachers at the National Science Foundation enjoying professional development activities Scientists from the JOIDES Resolution research ship connect via satellite
Award also: Provides teachers with an opportunity to build lasting partnerships with colleagues across the nation. Over 4100 awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of STEM education.
Who can apply for ? An applicant must: Teach mathematics or science at the K-6th grade level in a public or private school. Hold at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Be a full-time employee of the school or school district as determined by state and district policies, and teach K- 12 students at least 50% of the time. Have at least 5 years of full-time, K-12 mathematics or science teaching experience prior to the academic school year.
Who can apply? (Con’t) Teach in one of the 50 states or the four U.S. jurisdictions. –The jurisdictions are Washington, D.C.; Puerto Rico; Department of Defense Education Activity schools; and the U.S. territories as a group (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Not have received the PAEMST award at the national level in any prior competition or category.
Nominations and Applications Colleagues, Former Awardees, Principals, Students, Superintendents, Family Members, Friends ANYONE may nominate a teacher OR teachers may apply directly at K-6 th Grade Teachers: th -12 th Grade Teachers:
How do I nominate a teacher? Go to the and click on Nominate a Teacher ClickHere
Nomination Page On the Nomination Page, please provide: the Teacher’s address name school name, address and telephone number your contact information how you know the teacher how you heard about PAEMST BeginHere
How do I apply? Go to the and click on Begin or Resume an Application ClickHere
Username and Password If you don’t have a username and password, one will be sent to you. Select the top option.
Login Page Enter the username and password you received in your here.
The Teacher Portal When the applicant logs in, the Teacher portal will open.
Application Components Once the applicant enters My Application and completes the eligibility form, There are three components to the online PAEMST application: –Administrative Component –Narrative Component –Video Component
The Teacher Portal – My Application In the Teacher Portal, the applicant can access all components of the application
Administrative Component The Administrative Component consists of: –Teacher Information Form –Employment Verification Form –Letters of Recommendation (three) –Résumé (not to exceed two pages) –Demographic Information Form (optional)
Teacher Information Form
Employment Verification Form
Letters of Recommendation
The Teacher Portal – My Application
Narrative Component The narrative component consist of a written response that addresses the Five Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching and supplemental materials. The applicant will choose a topic or concept that is challenging for his or her students. The topic or concept will be used in the written response and when choosing a classroom lesson to video. The application may include supplemental material such as lesson plans, samples of student work, assessment items or publications.
Five Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching 1.Mastery of mathematics or science content knowledge appropriate to grade level 2.Use of appropriate instructional methods and strategies 3.Effective use of assessments 4.Reflective practice and life-long learning 5.Leadership in education
Dimension One Dimension One: Mastery of mathematics or science content appropriate for the grade level taught. (about 4 pages ) –1a. Discuss the mathematical or scientific ideas that are fundamental to understanding the chosen topic or concept. –1b. Explain why this topic or concept is important for students to learn and how it relates to more complex concepts that students will encounter in subsequent lessons, grades, or courses. –1c. Discuss the misconceptions or misunderstandings that students typically have with regard to this topic or concept.
Dimension Two Dimension Two: Use of instructional methods and strategies that are appropriate for the students in the class and that support student learning. (about 4 pages) –2a. Describe the instructional approaches you used to help students understand the topic or concept chosen in Dimension One. –2b. Explain how you identify and build on students’ prior knowledge, and how this knowledge is addressed in your video and in your general teaching strategies. –2c. Discuss the instructional strategies and techniques you use to meet the learning needs of all students, challenging those with stronger knowledge while ensuring learning for less accomplished students.
Dimension Three Dimension Three: Effective use of student assessments to evaluate, monitor, and improve student learning. (about 3 pages) –3a. Describe how you assessed student learning and achievement for the topic discussed in Dimension One and shown on the video, and how you used what you learned from the assessment to improve your teaching. –3b. Discuss other specific ways that you routinely assess and guide student learning. You may include examples of formative or summative techniques, including student presentations, projects, quizzes, unit exams, or other methods. –3c. Provide evidence of your teaching effectiveness as measured by student achievement on school, district or state assessments, or other external indicators of student learning or achievement.
Dimension Four Dimension Four: Reflective practice and life-long learning to improve teaching and student learning. (about 3 pages) –4a. Discuss the more successful and less successful aspects of the instructional activities shown in the video and discussed in the narrative, and describe what you might do differently to improve student learning. –4b. Describe how reflection on your teaching practices helps you improve your classroom instruction. You may provide examples of lessons or activities you revised based on this reflection. –4c. Using one or two of the professional development experiences cited in your résumé, describe how your participation in these activities has improved your teaching and enhanced student learning
Dimension Five Dimension Five: Leadership in education outside the classroom. (about 1 page) –5a. Describe how you have supported other teachers, student teachers or interns through activities such as induction, mentoring, leading professional development activities, or co-teaching. –5b. Describe how you contribute to educational excellence at the school, district, state or national level.
Technical Specifications for the Narrative Component Use of the online Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching Template is highly recommended to ensure the required formatting is followed. Written response to the five Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching must: not exceed 15 pages. have the appropriate Dimension prompt before each Dimension response. 8.5 by 11-inch page dimensions, 1-inch margins, 12 ‑ point font. be double-spaced, bottom of page labeled. saved as a single file and uploaded into portal.
Narrative Template
Technical Specifications for Supplemental Materials Supplemental materials: should be noted in the written response. must be labeled with applicant name, Teacher ID, and page number. may not exceed 10 pages should include a list of citations or references if any research articles of materials are discussed. may be submitted in the following formats:.pdf or.doc or docx. Images(.gif.jpeg.jpg.png)
Uploading Supplemental Materials
The Teacher Portal – My Application
Video Component The video is used for evaluating the applicant’s performance on the Five Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching. The video should convey the applicant’s: depth of content knowledge ability to employ appropriate instructional methods ability to engage all students and assess student learning
Technical Specifications for the Video Component In order to provide in-depth evidence of the applicant’s knowledge and abilities, the video must: correspond to the important topic or concept chosen and discussed in Dimension One. be of a single class, lesson or experience during the school year. adhere to requirements and guidelines for parental release or student permission related to classroom video recording.
Technical Specifications for the Video Component be of sufficient quality so that the faces are visible and voices are audible. be continuous footage, unedited and devoid of any stopping and restarting of the camera. not exceed 45 minutes or one class period, whichever is shorter. be labeled appropriately for upload to the portal.
Video Uploads
The Teacher Portal – Finish/Submit Application When all STATUS boxes register as you are ready to submit your application Click here
How are applications scored at each level? Each Dimension of Outstanding Teaching is scored with respect to demonstrated skills, knowledge, or performance using a four point scale. Reviewers use evidence from the applicant’s résumé, letters of recommendation, narrative, supplemental information, and the video to score each dimension. (4) Excellent – outstanding with no significant errors or limitations (3) Very Good – strong with no significant errors or limitations (2) Good – limited strengths or errors or weaknesses (1) Fair – limited strengths and errors or weaknesses
Possible Score Weighting Factor Points Possible Dimension One Dimension Two Dimension Three Dimension Four Dimension Five4-128 Total Possible Points Scoring Process
What is the selection process? State Review – Math National Review – Math Up to 3 State Finalists State Review – Science National Review –Science Up to 3 State Finalists Presidential Awardees Up to 2 Per State
Timeline Nomination Deadline (K-6 th Grade Teachers) –April 1, 2012 Application Deadline –May 1, 2012 State Selection Committees Meet –May and June 2012 National Selection Committees Meet –July and August 2012 Recognition Events in Washington DC –Following Year (2013)
Remember! Application Deadline: May 1, 2012 For Application Assistance: State Coordinator ( For Technical Assistance: For General Program Assistance:
North Carolina Coordinators State Mathematics Coordinator Kitty Rutherford State Science Coordinator Debra Hall