Simfirms Leo van Wissen University Groningen & Corina Huisman Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute NIDI The Hague
Theme 1 introduction and general synthetic businesses
A short history.. early nineties: request from Ministery of Spatial Planning: develop a demographic model of economic dynamics answer: the microsimulation model SIMFIRMS developed in the period second generation SIMFIMS-2 is being developed now
characteristics micro-simulation of firm growth, migration, death macro simulation of new firm formation basic unit: business establishment (be’s) output: # of be’s, employment Output dimensions: –economic activity (16 classes: 1-2 digit codes) –spatial units: municipalities (approx. 500 spatial units)
database: LISA database –a longitudinal database of be’s covering the years 1986, 1990, 1991, originally developed for social security administration –n=600 thousand (1990) –one province missing (including Amsterdam region)
model applications: remained in the developmental stage not applied operationally provided many insights into the spatial dynamics of firms and how to model them, e.g. –spatial dimensions of new firm formation –role of policy variables, i.e. new commercial land, office space –demand / supply relationship and the ecological notion of carrying capacity
SIMFIRMS 2: more state of the art theoretical and empirical insights into the specification better quality data for parameter estimation and validation better/faster hard- and software more userfriendly
Input for SIMFIRMS 2: business register of the province of Gelderland –much higher data quality –much longer time series –but still not without problems, such as: small firms / self employed are not completely covered, but coverage increases over time size of firms not always up to date
Theme 2 Firmography
some notes on the various components: births: –spin-offs (firm based birth probabilities) and –startups (labour market based entrepreneurship startup rates) growth of existing firms: based on modern specifications of Gibrat’s law that include various regressors death: multi-decrement life tables
migration: discrete choice framework, 2- step approach: –outmigration –destination choice
additional features demand – supply interactions, using the concept of carrying capacity macro constraints on micro outcomes (e.g. consistency with regional economic growth scenarios) economic infrastructure scenarios: what if a new commercial or industrial site, or new office space is being developed?
Theme 3 Location and interaction between firms
Interactions between firms concept of carrying capacity: maximum size of the population that can exist within a given environment for firms: maximum level of demand within a given environment
mechanism (in each location i): Demand > current supply (=present level of firms) potential for growth: –higher birth rates –higher growth rates –lower outmigration rates –higher immigration probabilities –lower death rates
mechanism (in each location i): Demand < current supply (=present level of firms) potential for decline: –lower birth rates –lower (or negative) growth rates –higher outmigration rates –lower immigration probabilities –higher death rates
demand: exerted by consumers and other firms in the neighborhood consumer firm interactions interindustry interactions interactions are a function of: –interindustry deliveries: technical coefficients of IO matrix –distance
Theme 4 future work & scenarios
Future work SIMFIRMS 2: –specification –estimation of parameters –validation –scenarios impact of new economic infrastructure: commercial & industrial sites, office space specified at the regional / local level