Skills for a Sustainable Business Enterprise INTRAPRENEURSHIP
Today's businesses, especially the large ones, simply will not survive in this period of rapid change and innovation unless they acquire entrepreneurial competence. Peter Drucker INTRAPRENEURSHIP
Intrapreneurship Individual and groups Organisation Environment
Troy Dyer’s types of businesses Opportunity orientation High Low High Systems orientation Dinosaurs CarpetbaggersProfessional entrepreneur Emerging giants
Intrapreneurship and innovation Intrapreneurs - those who take hand on responsibility for creating innovation of any kind within an organisation. Someone who figures out how to turn an idea into a profitable reality. Develop the e-spirit, to allow innovation to prosper. Someone who initiates innovative change in large firms.
Intrapreneurship and innovation Innovation in processes, to increase productivity, lower costs, increase profits. Innovation in products & services, increases demand, turnover, investment and employment. Innovation in management and work organisation, people work more efficiently, effectively and are happier in their working lives.
Resistance to change Management barriers Organisational barriers BARRIERS TO INTRAPRENEURSHIP
Primary motives Want freedom and access to corporate resources. Self- motivated but responds to corporate rewards. Action Does whatever is needed to accomplish tasks. Is mot interested in status. Confidence Self confident and courageous. If necessary will outwit the organisational system. INTRAPRENEUR
Focus Both inside and outside the business. Pays attention to customers and get insiders to do the same. Risk Likes moderate risk. Does own market research to understand risks. Failure and mistakes Regards mistakes as a learning experience, but is sensitive to the needs of the organisation and may hide risky projects.
Decisions Adept a communicating own private vision to others and willing to comprise to make progress with this vision. Attitude to the system Dislikes the system, but learns to manipulate it. Background Often from entrepreneurial, small business or professional background, well educated, particularly in technical fields.
The venture unit lifecycle Low High Time Importance of venture unit role FocusedIntegrated Generates, attracts, selects and helps develop ideas Helps diffuse process and then withers away
Lessons from small business Passion and energy to start something new The commitment to make it happen Desire to create new ways of working Care and compassion for other members Belief in product/service Willingness to work hard to make it happen
Key actions Clear decision making Effective communication Create enterprise cells Benchmark Recognising competition is good Sense value of being first - learn if second Acknowledge failure Celebrate success Evaluate, review and monitor Proud of achievements Supportive of employees Commitment to local communities