Indiana’s NHD Stewardship
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships NHD Stewardship MOU between Indiana’s GIO, NRCS and USGS GIO is Principle Administrative Steward Envision multiple Editing Stewards Maintenance Revisions, updates, feature names, etc.
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships NHD Stewardship 24K NHD
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships NHD Stewardship
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships NHD Stewardship Storm & Sanitary Sewers
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships NHD Stewardship Stream Density 24K
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships NHD Stewardship Stream Density Local-Res
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships NHD Stewardship Stream Names
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships NHD Stewardship Stream Names
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Example of NHD Flowline and Point data for West Fork of Red River, KY, prior to karst data integration Karst Areas
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Karst Features in Red. Karst Areas