The online marketplace for buyers and sellers of technology companies between $0 and $50M in revenue.
Exitround Sellers Today 708 companies Work closely with active investment firms and incubators Filter for quality, 50% approval rate 10% doing over $1M in annual revenue 1% doing >$5M in annual revenue
Sellers Today
The Seller Team size & composition – 5 total people – 4 technical Fundraising – 73% of companies have fundraised – $475,000 Median Fundraise Outcome Expectations – $700,000 Median Expected Value – $3,000,000 Median Max Expected Value
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So, $1M per head, right?? ;)
I understand my product may not live on, but I want to make a meaningful contribution.
If this is a talent acquisition, what happens to the assets/product of the company?
I just want to look my investors in the eye, what is the return to my investors?
Exitround Marketplace
The Exit Study Releasing March 2014 Details of acquisition transactions <$100M Partners – Shasta Ventures – TechStars – 500 Startups – Y-Combinator – SoftTech VC – More Coming Soon!