Constitution Test Review Write down answers on white boards
b) The Constitution created a federal system of government, in which the national government has all the power power is divided between the national and state governments. the states have more power than the national government. the legislative branch is made up of one house. b)
a) Under the Constitution, concurrent powers are shared by the state and federal governments. retained by state governments. reserved only by the federal government. reserved only by the state governments. a)
Which of the following is an enumerated power guaranteed by the Constitution? Pass marriage laws Collect taxes Establish schools Coin money d)
What part of the Constitution protects people’s basic rights and freedoms? Preamble Articles of Confederation Last ten amendments 1st ten amendments d)
c) A bill becomes a law after both houses of Congress approve it. the Senate refers it to a committee. the president signs it. the House refers it to a committee. c)
a) The “commerce clause” in the Constitution allows Congress to expand its powers in many areas. check the powers of the judicial branch. approve amendments to the Constitution. check the powers of the executive branch. a)
c) After a bill is introduced in Congress, it is sent to the full Senate or House for debate. sent to a public hearing. sent to a congressional committee for evaluation. sent to the president. c)
Which of the following is a right of citizenship identified by federal and state laws but not by the Constitution? freedom of religion trial by jury equal educational opportunities possession of arms c)
a) A new bill may be introduced in either the House of Representatives or the Senate. only in the House of Representatives. only in the Senate. only by the President. a)
a) The most important power of the Supreme Court is the power to interpret the Constitution. carry out the laws of the nation. amend the Constitution. make new laws. a)
by approval of three-fourths of the states How can an amendment to the Constitution be ratified? by approval of three-fourths of the states
to determine whether a law is constitutional What is the role of the Supreme Court regarding judicial review? to determine whether a law is constitutional
The president can sign it, veto it or do nothing. What are two options does a president have after Congress passes a bill? The president can sign it, veto it or do nothing.
British soldiers were quartered in colonists homes. What in our past caused us to make it illegal for a soldier to stay in our home during peace time? British soldiers were quartered in colonists homes.
Amendments, elastic clause, commerce clause & judicial review List the four ways the Constitution is a living document. Amendments, elastic clause, commerce clause & judicial review
division of power between the federal government and the states federalism
term that means that the federal government has only the powers given to it by the Constitution limited government
a proposal in Congress takes this form bill
term that means that the powers of government are divided among the branches separation of powers