Allows Merchants to extend credit up to 12 months without a credit check, provided the customer has a good check writing history and proof of income.
Merchant must furnish: Business license Voided check Driver’s license In most cases: a full bank statement
Merchant must lease/purchase terminal and check reader No setup fee ($25.00 Marketing Fee will apply)
Financing Terms: 3 Months, 6 Months, 9 Months, & 12 Months 3 & 6 Months: 9% Warranty Fee 9 Months: 12% Warranty Fee 12 Months: 15% Warranty Fee
Customer may request to have funds withdrawn weekly, biweekly or once a month Note: To be advanced Merchant must be choose weekly or bi-weekly mode. $7.00 application fee for single check conversion option (Up to $36,000.00) 1.5% +$0.20 fee for single check conversion
Included merchants: Jewelry stores ($1, Max) Travel/vacations/timeshares Home-based businesses (Some Restrictions) Clothing Car audio
Excluded merchants: Bankruptcy attorneys Pawn shops Credit repair agencies Coin dealers Auto Sales
Transaction process Merchant: 1. Logs into website. 2. Fill out application 3. Submits down payment check via check reader/terminal along with transaction number. 4. Fax or upload paycheck stub & bank statement to processor. 5. Receive approval notification within 10 minutes.
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