Title Page Picture and Quote symbolizing the Constitution Name Period
3 Compromises
Organization of the Constitution (Copy Chart on page 124)
Write the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution (It starts with We the People) and add an illustration for each goal listed on page 124 Preamble 1. Goal and Picture 2.Goal and Picture 3.Goal and Picture 4.Goal and Picture 5.Goal and Picture 6.Goal and Picture
Branch 1- Name of Branch Include: Article number Who is involved in this branch What powers does this branch have Picture symbolizing this branch
Branch 2- Name of Branch Include: Article number Who is involved in this branch What powers does this branch have Picture symbolizing this branch
Branch 3 – Name of Branch Include: Article number Who is involved in this branch What powers does this branch have Picture symbolizing this branch
Principle 1 – Name of Principle Describe/ Define the principle Tell me where in the Constitution it can be found Examples of the Principle A picture to symbolize the principle
Principle 2 – Name of Principle Describe/ Define the principle Tell me where in the Constitution it can be found Examples of the Principle A picture to symbolize the principle
Principle 3 – Name of Principle Describe/ Define the principle Tell me where in the Constitution it can be found Examples of the Principle A picture to symbolize the principle
Principle 4 – Name of Principle Describe/ Define the principle Tell me where in the Constitution it can be found Examples of the Principle A picture to symbolize the principle
Principle 5 – Name of Principle Describe/ Define the principle Tell me where in the Constitution it can be found Examples of the Principle A picture to symbolize the principle
Principle 6 – Name of Principle Describe/ Define the principle Tell me where in the Constitution it can be found Examples of the Principle A picture to symbolize the principle
Principle 7 – Name of Principle Describe/ Define the principle Tell me where in the Constitution it can be found Examples of the Principle A picture to symbolize the principle
Illustrated Roots of the Constitution 1.Root Name/Date/Significance PICTURE 2.Root Name/Date/Significance PICTURE 3.Root Name/Date/Significance PICTURE 4.Root Name/Date/Significance PICTURE 5.Root Name/Date/Significance PICTURE 6.Root Name/Date/Significance PICTURE 7. Root Name/Date/Significance PICTURE
Illustrated INFLUENCES/ TWEETS of the Constitution 1.Name of Influential Person/ Idea we learned from them/ Picture Symbolizing the Idea 2.Name of Influential Person/ Idea we learned from them/ Picture Symbolizing the Idea 3.Name of Influential Person/ Idea we learned from them/ Picture Symbolizing the Idea 4.Name of Influential Person/ Idea we learned from them/ Picture Symbolizing the Idea 5.Name of Influential Person/ Idea we learned from them/ Picture Symbolizing the Idea
Graphic of the Amendment Process Page 129
Federalists Beliefs EXAMPLES of Federalists 2 Pictures of Federalists Anti-Federalists Beliefs EXAMPLES of ANTI-Federalists 2 Pictures of ANTI-Federalists
R (Right Protected and Picture Symbolizing it) A (Right Protected and Picture Symbolizing it) P (Right Protected and Picture Symbolizing it) S (Right Protected and Picture Symbolizing it) 1 st Amendment Rights
Bill of Rights Amendments (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it) 3 (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it) 4 (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it) 5 (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it) 6 (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it) 7 (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it) 8 (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it) 9 (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it) 10 (Right Guaranteed and Picture Symbolizing it)