Country Queen
Location My Country Is Located On The South Side Of Spain Near The Atlantic 300 North From Cadiz 200 East Jerez
Physical Geography It do not have any mountains. It have many different islands. Our flag is blue, white and yellow.
My Flag
Climate and Vegetation Hot most of the time Human Sometimes a lot of rain
Natural Resources coal lignite iron ore copper lead zinc uranium
Population In my country has a very big population There is 50,000 adults 1,000 children Everyone is aloud too have 6 people in each house hole
Culture Culture is different types of races Everyone is allowed in my country if they have the following Passport Have never committed a crime
Social Structure There is not many lower classmen's in my country because most people work there for it’s only 10% of lower classes Most people work hard but at lower paying jobs so there is only 30% of middle classmen’s. Its many good jobs and there work harder then others so they became upper classmen’s over time.
Economics We use the same type of money as Spain it would make supply easier because we are located on the south of their country
Politics Queen- Me Princess - Gracie President – Cheyyyyyyyyyy Mayor - Niyia
Comparing the Five Themes of Geography Memphis Movement – walk, car, bus Regions - east Hel- coat Location - TN Place – bad Country Movement – car. Region – south HEL-shorts, rain boots, light jackets Location – by Spain Place – good, warm, lovely
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