“ It’s a Make it Mean Something Monday!” October 6, 2008 Mr. Houghteling AP Language and Composition
A lot of people hate to ride the New York City subways but I love them. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and I C. subways; therefore, I D. subways, but I
About three and a half million people a day ride the subways I think maybe I’ve met them all. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and C. subways, which D. subways actually
STOP / GO Use a vertical line to indicate the break in thought. Identify whether each side is a complete idea (CI) or a fragment (II). Punctuate accordingly.
Is there a complete idea on either side? If yes, then we need STOP punctuation: (. ) (. ) ( ; ) or ( ; ) or (, + BOYSFAN words ) (, + BOYSFAN words )
Is there a complete idea on either side? If no, then we need GO punctuation: (,) (,) (--) (--) (:) if there is a list (:) if there is a list (No punctuation) (No punctuation)
STOP / GO Do not “read” the conjunction (if there is one) when evaluating whether there is a complete idea or not. Be aware of these conjunctions (transition words): But, Or, Yet, So, For, And, Nor Make sure you note which direction the sentence is going. Then use the word that goes the right way.
A lot of people hate to ride the New York City subways but I love them. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and I C. subways; therefore, I D. subways, but I
A lot of people hate to ride the New York City subways but I love them. Both sides have complete ideas. Therefore we need stop punctuation. Which answer choice is eliminated?
A lot of people hate to ride the New York City subways but I love them. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and I C. subways; therefore, I D. subways, but I
A lot of people hate to ride the New York City subways but I love them. Now check for the direction of the sentence. Is it going forward or reverse? Which two answer choices are now eliminated?
A lot of people hate to ride the New York City subways but I love them. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and I C. subways; therefore, I D. subways, but I
Answer choice D is correct. A lot of people hate to ride the New York City subways, but I love them. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and I C. subways; therefore, I D. subways, but I
Now do the second question…
About three and a half million people a day ride the subways I think maybe I’ve met them all. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and C. subways, which D. subways actually
About three and a half million people a day ride the subways I think maybe I’ve met them all. This time there are two complete ideas as well. Eliminate some answer choices.
About three and a half million people a day ride the subways I think maybe I’ve met them all. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and C. subways, which D. subways actually
Evaluate and pick an answer! About three and a half million people a day ride the subways I think maybe I’ve met them all. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and C. subways, which D. subways actually
About three and a half million people a day ride the subways I think maybe I’ve met them all. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and C. subways, which D. subways actually
About three and a half million people a day ride the subways, and I think maybe I’ve met them all. A. NO CHANGE B. subways, and C. subways, which D. subways actually
Now practice on 1-5 (handout) Find the break in thought. Draw a vertical line. Evaluate whether each side is a complete idea (CI), a sentence, or an incomplete idea (II), a fragment. Label them CI or II. Decide whether your should use STOP or GO punctuation. Evaluate answer choices using POE.
Pair-Share With a partner, discuss your rationale for each answer. Where did you agree and disagree? Make sure to mark the test “Whose test is it?”
Way to go!