sentence-a group of words that contains a subject, a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. fragment-a piece of a sentence or a group of words that doesn’t complete a thought run-on sentence- a sentence in which two or more independent clause are conjoined without a conjunction
Sentence ◦ Tony, the baseball player on the team, is my brother. Fragment ◦ Tony, the baseball player on the team. Run-On ◦ Tony is my brother he is a baseball player on the team.
A sentence consists of two parts: subject and predicate subject-a part of a sentence that names the person or thing spoken about in the rest of the sentence complete subject- is made up of all of the words in in the subject simple subject- the main word or group of words in the complete subject
The police on the island of Tobago once rode bicycles. Complete-The police of the island of Tobago Simple-police The island of Bequia lies between the islands of Grenada and St. Vincent. Complete-The Island of Bequia Simple-island
predicate- the part of the sentence that says something about the subject complete predicate- all of the words in the predicate simple predicate- the verb, or the main word or group of words in the complete predicate
Too many students hate school. Complete ◦ hate school. Simple ◦ hate Now the police ride in the air-conditioned sedans. Complete ◦ Now…ride in the air-conditioned sedans Simple ◦ ride
Single underline the complete subject, and circle the simple subject. Then, double underline the complete predicate and but a box around the simple predicate. The copier is out of paper. Jack wants to buy a new backpack. Finally, my boyfriend will cook dinner for me tonight!