Fragment – Incomplete sentence is punctuated as though it were a complete sentence This occurs when… A dependent clause is left alone and given a period. Ex. Because they stop to rest by the boulder. What’s missing? The sentence is missing a subject, verb, or both Ex. Wanted to explore a remote area of the park. What’s missing? The two weary hikers walking for hours. What’s missing?
RUN-ON – TWO OR MORE COMPLETE SENTENCES WRITTEN AS THOUGH THEY WERE ONE SENTENCE WITHOUT A CONJUNCTION AND COMMA This occurs when… only joined by a comma only joined by a coordinating conjunction missing the comma and conjunction, or semicolon
DIRECTIONS: NUMBER YOUR PAPER 1-6. IDENTIFY WHETHER THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES ARE FRAGMENTS OR RUN-ONS. 1.Our national holiday stems from the feast held by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag to celebrate the first successful harvest but the Pilgrims did not call this harvest festival a Thanksgiving. 2.When the pilgrims arrived in the Mayflower on the eastern coast of North America. 3.The ability to survive without the help the a Indian tribes would have been impossible, the trading that took place prolonged the settlements.
DIRECTIONS: NUMBER YOUR PAPER 1-6. IDENTIFY WHETHER THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES ARE FRAGMENTS OR RUN-ONS. 4.While weapons, metals, jewelry, and clothing were traded to the Indians fur pelts, meats, vegetable, and grains were some of the main staples offered to the pilgrims. 5.Since millions of immigrants have learned “Americanism” through the celebration of this Thanksgiving holiday. 6.Because a traditional Thanksgiving feast with family and friends would not be complete without a turkey.
ANSWERS 2.fragment 5.fragment 6.fragment