TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem Review of Literature Statement of the Hypothesis METHOD Participants (N) Instruments (s) REFERENCES APPENDIX (CES)
INTRODUCTION With the inclusion of students from non- English speaking backgrounds, disabilities, diverse cultural backgrounds, educators are compelled to rethink their teaching and instructional practices. The homogeneity of yesteryear has been replaced by widespread diversity, however, in many instances teachers do not appear to have adjusted their methods to keep abreast of these trends.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Regular classroom teachers make very few modifications in their instruction to suit the needs of students of various ability in their classroom. There is a tendency to “teach to the middle,” which can cause boredom in gifted students and confound students at risk resulting in poor achievement in both groups.
Review of Literature Pros: ( Robert Gagne, Dunn and Dunn, Howard Gardner ). Each of these theorist address the idea they students are not made from the same cookie cutter mold, and teaching should be adjusted accordingly. Gagne in his Condition of Learning stipulates that there are several different types or levels of learning. The significance of these classification is that each different type of learning requires different type of instruction. (Gagne, 1965)
Review of Literature Gardner describes learning differences through his multiple intelligences theory. According to his theory, humans have at least eight ways of being intelligent or talented about the world. (Gardner, 1999). Dunn and Dunn Learning Styles Model is built on the theory that each individual has a unique set of biological and developmental characteristics. These unique characteristics impact substantially on how a person learns new information and skills. (Good & Brophy, 1986).
Review of Literature Vygotsky stresses the importance of looking at each child as an individual who learns distinctively. Consequently, the knowledge and skills that are worthwhile learning varies with the individual.( Vygotsky,1962) Tomlinson a nationally recognized leader on differentiated instruction states that “the differentiated classroom balances learning needs common to all students, with more specific needs tagged to individual learners”(Tomlinson, 2001).
Review of Literature Doyle and Rutherford (1984)states that learners differ in a wide variety of ways and these differences are likely to influence how they respond to and benefit from a given instructional method or program. If instruction is adapted to specific intellectual or emotional “aptitudes” then it would seem that in comparison to standard teaching situations, more students would reach higher levels of achievement.
Review of Literature Cons: Many teachers do not feel equipped to differentiate for a class of diverse needs and disabilities with in- service training. Planning for differentiating instruction is time consuming. Few teachers have the time, energy or support for making substantial changes in how they teach, let alone the opportunity to arrive at a determination to do so. (Neely & Alm 1992).
Statement of the Hypothesis H R 1. If grouped by learning styles, twenty-five second grade students at PS X in Brooklyn, N.Y. will improve their math scores over a six week period.
PARTICIPANTS Twenty-five second grade students at an elementary school in an urban community in Brooklyn, NY. Fifteen girls and ten boys. General education classroom
INSTRUMENTS Student survey Consent Form
Appendix A: Student Survey The Global or Analytical Test Complete the questionnaire below by checking the square. Check all squares that you think are true about yourself as a learner. 1._____ I enjoy doing more than one thing at a time. 2._____ I can work well if when it is noisy? 3._____ I prefer to sit at a desk when I study. 4._____ I don’t eat or drink while I study. 5._____ I find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time. 6._____ I like to work alone. 7._____ I usually finish my homework on time. 8._____ I enjoy learning from posters,photographs, looking at models. 9_____ I like my teacher to check my school work. 10_____ I prefer to have instructions written down I can check so I can check them later.
Appendix B: Consent Form May 25,2010 Dear Principal, I am currently enrolled in a graduate Childhood Education program at Brooklyn College that requires me to complete an action research project. The focus of my research, will be differentiated instruction. Part of my research will involve a student’s survey, collecting student’s work and data all information gathered will be strictly confidential. Potential benefits of this research include increasing my knowledge of how children learn, helping other teachers who are interested in differentiated instruction, and helping me reflect on and analyze my teaching practices. I am hereby requesting permission to conduct this research in my class Sincerely, Janice Congreaves
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