Computer Network Research Group ITB Training Virus Computer
Computer Network Research Group ITB Objective Training l Increase Virus Awareness. l Know practical ways to present computer viruses.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Platform l Windows l Novell l DOS
Computer Network Research Group ITB Delivery l Seminar & Discussion l Directed “Hands on”.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Warning! l We are dealing with REAL computer virus in this training. l Our collection of viruses are approx. 75. l It will crash our computer!
Computer Network Research Group ITB History & Statistics Computer Network Research Group Institut Teknologi Bandung
Computer Network Research Group ITB Outline l Beberapa sejarah penting Virus. l Beberapa statistik penting penyebaran virus. l Summary.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Early Viral Programs l Password Trojans. l Cookie.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Concept of Computer Virus l Dr. Fred Cohen 3 November 1983 l Design a computer program that could modify other programs to include a possibly evolved copy of itself. l This evolved copy would then modify other programs and thus continue the propagation and evolution. l The program could easily be spread by unknowing users throughout a computer system or network.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Computer Virus l Dr. Cohen's definition of a computer virus as "a program that can 'infect' other programs by modifying them to include a... version of itself" is generally accepted as a standard.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Example Viruses l Lehigh Virus (COMMAND.COM) l Jerusalem Virus (COM & EXE) l Friday the 13th l Brain l Den Zuk
Computer Network Research Group ITB Virus Statistik l Berdasarkan laporan NCSA (National Computer Security Association). l Intel-based PC. l Site di Amerika Utara. l Industri & Pemerintah saja.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Executive Summary l Rate encounter one in 100 PCs per month. l Common virus: Form (boot-track). l Sejak Fall 1995: Word concept.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Bottom Line l Protect by simply using anti-virus software and by keeping the software reasonably up- to-date. l The effect of "herd immunity" would nearly eliminate the world-wide computer virus problem
Computer Network Research Group ITB Virus Penetration
Computer Network Research Group ITB
Word Macro infected over one third (36%) of survey site and was responsible for one-half (49%) of all virus encounters
Computer Network Research Group ITB Consequence Virus Attack 29% of sites which experienced virus incidents: l Servers were down for an average of 5.8 hours. l Complete recovery took an average of 44 hours. l Ten person-days of work. l An average $8,100 in self-proclaimed costs
Computer Network Research Group ITB Anti Virus at Client / PC l 97% used anti-virus products. l 60% have some form of protection. l 25% of desktop PCs are protected by a virus scanning policy alone. l 27% have periodic protection (automatic scanning for viruses) l 33% automatically scan for viruses as a background task.
Computer Network Research Group ITB Anti Virus at Server l 85% used anti-virus products on servers. l 64% f all servers appear to have some protection installed. l 28% of servers are protected by periodically scanning for viruses. l 36% claim to use a full-time, background task.
Computer Network Research Group ITB
Computer Network Research Group ITB
Means of Infection
Computer Network Research Group ITB