PRESENTATION ABOUT L ONDON Authors: Semenova Nastya and Lee Veronica Form: 5 “A”
London is a very big city! More than eight million people live in London. London is a green city. There are a lot of parks in London. The biggest parks are Hyde Park, St James's Park In English parks you can do lots of things and have a very good time:you can sit on the green grass, you can play football and other games.
A BOUT L ONDON London is the capital of Britain, and has something to offer everyone - majestic stately houses, tranquil green parks and a zoo, engrossing museums and art galleries and bustling shopping centres with all the major stores, specialist shops and markets
S IGHTS Big Ben is one of London's best known landmarks
M USEUM M ADAME T USSAUD Symbol of London - Museum Madame Tussaud - opened in 1835
Tower Bridge is a bridge in London. This bridge built in 1894 Tower Bridge The bridge is 800 feet (244 m) in length with two towers each 213 feet (61 m) high, built on piers.
S OURCES OF INFORMATION kingdom/city/london/placeofinterest &stype=image&lr=213&noreask=1&source=wiz